Chapter 25: Not Again

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Overload heaves another electronic screech, inching closer towards Y/N as each second goes by.

Y/N: Come on man, watcha waitin' for?

Y/N begins to tease Overload, cautiously taking slow and steady steps backwards towards what is left of the entrance doorway.

Y/N: If you want to kill me, come and get me!

Y/N's steps begin to gradually pick up pace, in sync will Overload's movemont. The Electric man lets out one final distorted roar, before raging and charging straight towards Y/N, like a bull in the ring.

In just the nick of time, Y/N quickly shoots himself up into the sky out of Overload's reach.

Y/N: Oooooh, so close!

Overload faceplants towards the ground covered in sediment left behind by the building that he himself tumbled over.
Y/N floats there just above Overload, waiting for him to get back up and finish continue the fight. However, Overload proceeds to absorb himself into the ground, disintegrating into many electric bolts that sink beneath the sediment through the concrete.

Y/N: Oh great.

Y/N uses his internal radar to keep track of Overload as he moves through the electrical cables that lie beneath the ground.
As Overload travels through the cables, he begins to pick up more energy from the already existing electricity within the circuit.

Y/N: Perfect.

As detected by Y/N, Overload's tracks stood still once he was directly underneath Y/N, who was still floating about 30 feet above ground level.

Then, so quick that Y/N couldn't predict it, Overload fires himself right out of the ground, almost like a volcano erupting, completely sweeping Y/N out of his original position in the sky. He tumbles down towards the ground onto the closest street, right outside the now havoced Jump Club.

Once Y/N wakes up after being knocked out for what was close 30 seconds, his eyes wander around his surroundings, to find hundreds of pedestrians crowded around him, staring down in his direction.
He glances down his own body to find that he is completely missing his shirt.

Y/N: (Sighs in Annoyance) Great.

Girls all around are obtaining the familiar feeling of being aroused. They are doing staring once again eying Y/N up down, however focusing mainly on his completely exposed upper body.

Y/N stands up.

Y/N: Excuse me everyone, I've kinda got a bad guy I'm figh- OOF!!!

Taken by shock (No Pun Intended), Overload dispenses volt by volt of electrical energy Y/N's way. Not only does this dispense energy, but generated by the energy is extreme pressure, which sends Y/N hurtling towards one of the tall buildings behind him.

Thankfully, Y/N launches himself from underneath the second building that Overload had brought to the ground, flying up to the equivalent level of Overloads eye line.

Y/N: Alright, enough playtime!

Y/N uses his telekinesis abilities and summons two cargo trucks Overload's way.
The two vehicles make strong contact with Overload and he is pushed back a quite big distance, but rather than lodging the vehicles off of himself, Overload absorbs them into his electrical body causing him to grow even more in size to 40 feet.

Y/N: (To Himself) Yeah, great idea Y/N!

Y/N approaches a nearby 10 story building and places his hands beneath it. He then effortlessly rips it from the pavement it rests on, lifting it completely off the ground.
Every person in the crowd below lets out ominous 'Woah!' before Y/N chucks the roughly 100-foot tall building directly towards Overload, once again expecting it to crush him, unlike the two cargo trucks.

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