Chapter 9: The Enemy Part 3

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The Titans are walking back from the sewers to Titans tower, but they can't stop thinking about what just happened.

Cyborg: I don't understand. Why would Slade try to lure us with a fake Chronoton Detinator?

Beast Boy: It's not like anything could be worse than that.

Starfire: Perhaps he did the luring of us to attack Titans Tower?

Beast Boy: Thanks for putting that thought in my head Star.

Raven: No. If that were the case then Y/N surely would've contacted us by now.

Cyborg: Plus, I'm not getting any distress signals from him. That usually happens when one of us is under attack.

Starfire: I just hope Y/N and Robin are safe back at the Tower when we return.

Beast Boy: I'm sure Y/N safe. But I... Wouldn't get your hopes up about Robin, Starfire.

Cyborg: He's been really getting into Slade lately, even before Y/N joined the team.

Raven: It's best not to worry about him for now. Let's just head back to the tower.

Starfire: (Sighs) I agree.

Jump to Titans Tower

Y/N: Come on Sladie. What are you planning.

Y/N is still tapping on the keyboard, trying to work out all of Slade's possible plans, but comes up with nothing.

He is interrupted by 4 by the remaining Titans coming in through the Ops Room door.

Y/N: Guys you're back! What happened, what went down?

Cyborg: Well um...

Beast Boy: The thing is...

Y/N: What?

Starfire: Our mission went...

Raven: You were right. The Detinator was a dud.

Y/N: Ha! I knew it!

Cyborg: Yeah, Yeah. But this means we still have to figure out what Slade is planning.

Y/N: Well that's the problem. I've been trying for hours but haven't even come close to figuring it out.

Raven: It looks like Slade has really worked it up this time.

Y/N: Tell me about it.

Starfire: Hold on, where is friend Robin?

Y/N: He said he was going to track down Slade's location, but I haven't heard back from him since.

Beast Boy: Can't you call him?

Y/N: I've tried, but he won't pick up his Communicator.

Starfire: Oh. Are you sure that he is unharmed?

Y/N: I'm sure he's fine Star, for the meantime we to figure out what-

Y/N is interrupted by an alarm going off on his Communicator.

Y/N: Looks like somethings trying to steal the... Thermal Blaster. Ok...

Cyborg: Who would be dumb enough to do that?

Y/N: I don't know but they have guts. Is everybody ready?

Titans: Yes!

Y/N: Well in that case... Titans! GO!

Jump to wherever the hell the Thermal Blaster is being held.

The unknown thief is hanging off a crane nearby the Thermal Blaster. It jumps down in attempt to steal the weapon, but is stopped by 5 familiar heroes.

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