Chapter 3: A Proper Meet and Greet

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Y/N woke up pretty tired considering he didn't get much sleep last night. It took him a few moments, but he finally worked the energy to get out of bed.

He could be a shy and insecure person at sometimes especially with meeting new people so he spent a few short moments partially perfecting his look before stepping out into the hallway.

Once he was done he opened his door, slightly startled by the sound that was made by it. He then walked into Ops room, to find the rest of the Titans doing their casual everyday activities.

Robin is eating his eggs, Cyborg is eating his 8 jumbo slabs of meat, Starfire is eating her odd Tamaranean food and Raven is reading while drinking her usual brew of Herbal Tea.

Robin: Good morning Y/N!

Y/N: Morning Robin, morning team!

Y/N goes to sit down at the main kitchen bench.

Starfire: Good morning friend Y/N! Did you have a pleasant night of rest?

Y/N: It wasn't too bad. I did struggle to get to sleep for about 4 hours but eventually got there.

Starfire: Oh, I am sorry to hear that.

Y/N: It's fine, everybody has nights where they can't sleep.

Raven: Especially in this tower.

Y/N: (Chuckles) Good one.

Raven: I wasn't really jok-

She is cut off by Cyborg.

Cyborg: So Y/N, what shall it be for breakfast?

Beast Boy: Whatever you do, don't ask for 10 pounds of meat.

Y/N: I'm guessing you're a vegetarian?

Beast Boy raises his eyes to look at Cyborg.

Beast Boy: Yes I am, some people don't understand that.

Y/N: Well you don't have to worry about me. I do eat meat, but nowhere near as much as this guy.

Y/N looking towards Cyborg, doing a 'cuckoo' gesture with his hands.

Cyborg: Hey, I saw that!

Robin: Come on guys, don't start this now.

Y/N: HaHa, Just joking with you Cyborg. For breakfast I'll just have anything, I'm not picky.

Cyborg: Ok, how about a bagel with some jam on it?

Y/N: Sure that sounds pretty good!

Cyborg whips up a bagel in about 5 seconds and whips some Strawberry Jam on there.

Y/N takes the bagel casually starts eating it, minding his own business.

All of the Titans, except Robin, then start crowding around Y/N with slight smiles on there faces. Even Raven.

Robin: It's alright guys I already told him.

Beast Boy: What I thought you were gonna wait until this morning?

Robin laughs a little before saying.

Robin: I couldn't wait a minute longer.

All the Titans then start congratulating him. Saying things such as,

Starfire: Congratulations friend Y/N! Robin said that if he were to ever select out a second in command, they would have to show the potential of a human such as the Batman.

Raven: I gotta hand it to you, I'm impressed considering you only just joined.

Beast Boy: It's nice to finally have someone else to boss us around besides Robin.

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