Chapter 34: Her Ex

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Robin: Titans! GO!

The 7 heroes charge at the mega flock of mutant insects that recently began swarming them, along with the bridge.

Speedy parkours his way up to one of the bridge supporters, close to the army of bugs. He grabs an arrow out his quiver and loads them in his bow.

Speedy: You bugs like arrows?

He then releases his grip on the arrow, sending it flying towards one of the moths. The bug spazzes out and flies out of control, knocking down 7 other insects in the process.

Speedy: (Scoffs) Guess not.

Suddenly, Speedy hears Bumblebee call from the ground.

Bumblebee: Speedy, look out!

The archer turns around, only to notice more mutant bugs heading his way.

He locks and loads another arrow into his bow and fires it at the 4 bugs heading his way, creating a mutant-moth kebab.

Speedy: I could say the same about you.

Bumblebee: Huh?

Bumblebee looks behind her to find 7 bugs heading her way. She then shrinks down into the size of a bee and begins stinging the moths, unable to be clearly seen by anyone.
The moths, frightened by the stinging sensation, coward away and fly back to where they came from.

Bumblebee: Ha, that's what I thought.

Bumblebee looks over at Robin, who is fending off a cluster of the mutant insects with his staff.

Robin: Come on guys, stay alert. (Grunts) There's still more of these things!

Starfire: Yes, in order to be successful, we must work as if we are a team.

Mas and Menos then decide to take action.

Mas y Menos: Mas y Menos, sí podemos!

They join hands and begin charging at the speed of light, upwards on one of the bridge supporters.

Mas: ¡Ustedes bichos están bajando!

Menos: ¡Al suelo!

The Spanish twins spiral around a massive cluster of the moths, forming together a massive cloud of dust which blinds the moths.

Starfire releases her Starbolts to finish the job. The green energy beams tranquillize the remaining mutant insects.
They tumble over like a complete tower of cards if you poked it the slightest bit, landing in the ocean beneath the bridge.

The seven heroes gather around the edge of the bridge where the dead moths fell.

Bumblebee: Aren't we going to do something about the dead things in the water?

Robin: It's going to pollute the sea after a while.

Aqualad: Not to worry. I've got it covered.

Aqualad plunges into the sea, with no claim of what he was planning to do. Roughly 30 seconds later, the fish emerges from the depths, standing on what appeared to be giant tentacle.
He steps off of the tentacle, setting foot on the bridge.

Aqualad: I ordered some sea animals to transport them into some underwater volcanos.

Speedy: Were you just standing on-

Aqualad: Yes. The Kraken. But don't tell anyone, alright? No one can know it's a real thing.

Bumblebee: Anyway, where are the other lead Titans? You know, Y/N, Cyborg, Raven and Beast Boy.

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