Chapter 11: A Fun Trip

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After the incredibly stressful experience caused by the events of a few days ago, the Titans decide to take it easy for the day.

Robin: So, Titans. I say we do something fun and relaxing today. I think we could all use a rest after what happened a couple of days ago, especially since we haven't been getting any crime alerts lately.

Y/N: (Chuckles) It's about time we did something enjoyable around here!

Robin: (Sarcastically) Har Har Har!

Starfire then comes up with an idea and shares it with everyone.

Starfire: I say we go to the mall of the shopping! That place is filled with the most wonderful of experiences!

Y/N: A shopping mall ay? That sounds fun if you ask me.

Cyborg: I'm with Starfire. I haven't been to the mall in ages! Crime really takes a toll on you.

Raven: Sure, why not?

Beast Boy: Yeah! We can do all sorts of things. Play video games, eat until we can't anymore...

Beast Boy slicks his hair back.

Beast Boy: Pick up the ladies.

Y/N: Uh...... Sure. Anyway, when are we going?

Robin: I was thinking right now.

Y/N: Sweet!

Beast Boy: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!

The Titan's jump into the T-Car and head of for... hopefully a fun trip.

Timeskip to Jump City Mall

Cyborg pulls up to the carpark of Jump City Mall.

Cyborg: Alright, we're here y'all!

Starfire: Oh Joy! We can finally have the fun times at the mall!

Raven: (Sighs) What took so long?

Y/N: It didn't help that Beast Boy was complaining the entire time that your hair was out of place.

Beast Boy: No biggie, it's fine now.

Y/N: (Sighs)

Robin: So, I say we just go our own separate ways and meet each other in the parking lot in a few hours. How does that sound to everyone?

Y/N: Sounds like a pretty good plan to me.

Cyborg: Sure!

Starfire: Most certainly! That will give us more than enough of the time!

Beast Boy: I don't think that's enough time, but sure!

Raven: How about we cut that down to a few minutes?

Y/N: Oh come on Raven! You gotta learn to take in the moment and enjoy what's going on around you. Surely you can do that, right?

Raven: I can try, but you haven't seen how I act during most fun moments.

Y/N: I have yet to find out...

Robin: Titans! GO! Have fun!

The Titan's enter the mall in their classic superhero fashion and go their separate ways.

Jump to Robin

Robin is at the mall Pharmacy, looking for new products of hair gel.

Robin: I think it's time to update my style. Let's see...

Robin flicks through the shelf, going through about 8 different brands until he finds the one that appeals to him.

Robin: 'Mr. Freeze: Keep your hair in place for up to 48 hours'... Sure why not?

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