Chapter 23: Manufacteredness

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Hello everyone!

This chapter may not be quite as good, because this book went straight from #5 in the Teen Titans tag, straight down to #384! This kinda sent me into a minor writer's block.

 I know it's kinda crap, but I don't control Wattpad statistics.

Anyway guys, once again please make sure to drop a vote on this chapter and comment if you want.

Enjoy reading!


Y/N: Mmmm... what to do?

As Y/N is looking around the semi-inappropriate building that he stands within, he spots about 60 girls in their 20's and mid to late teens in the left side of his peripheral vision. They are consistently staring at him, slightly grinning and eyeing him up and down.
All of them slightly shriek and start giggling like hyenas as soon as Y/N turns around to look at them.

Y/N laughs internally. He then guestures a gun with his right hand and winks at them, before he pivots his body once again and walks off in the opposite direction.
He runs into Cyborg, Beast Boy and Raven who are... more or less fidgeting around with the gambling machine.

Cyborg: Beastie, come on! This is the 6th time!

Beast Boy constantly pulling the lever on the 'money stealing' game, determined to win.
(A/N: I don't fully know how those machines work, so...)

Beast Boy: I told you guys I was going to win, so that's what I'm going to do!

Raven: Soooo, it looks like we're going to be here all night.

Raven is watching on in boredom, folding her arms with her hood up.

Y/N: So guys, uh... hows the money stuff goin'?

Cyborg: Grass stain here keeps insisting that he will win, even though he's tried 6 times and come up with nothin'.

Y/N: Where are you guys even getting the money to play this thing anyway?

Raven: Teleporting it in from some rich guys house.

Raven then summons a 100 dollar bill within her black aura.

Y/N: Ok, well that's their loss.

The three Titans continue to stand still, watching on as Beast Boy continues to lose. Y/N mildly shakes his head and exhales in slight annoyance.
This quickly cuts out, however, as Cyborg goes to ask a request of Y/N.

Cyborg: (Whispering to Y/N) Hey Y/N, can I quickly talk to you about something?

Y/N: (Slightly Laughs) This again. Sure, what do you need?

The two tall Titans take a few steps back from Beast Boy and Raven to have a decent gap of space between the two groups.

Cyborg: Well, I don't really know how to explain this without sounding like a child, but...

Y/N gives Cyborg a positive smile, indicating that he would think nothing negative of him.

Y/N: Don't worry Cy, I've heard it all. The only thing that could make you sound like a child... is you saying that you might sound like a child.

Cyborg: (Sighs) Well the truth is I... feel kinda... alone.

Y/N: Define 'alone'?

Cyborg: Well you know, Robin and Star definitely have a thing goin' on, and it's kind of obvious that BB and Raven have some chemistry. But, me... I don't know.

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