Chapter 27: The Real Effect

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Nivado: Hello Everyone!

First of all, I just wanted to say Happy New Year to you all! It's about time this horrible year finally ends, let's all hope 2021 will bring out the better of nature.

Now, I saw a few people getting the 'wrong idea' about a lot of the content in the previous chapter. Let me just say one more time, EVERYTHING WILL GET ANSWERED LATER ON.

Anyway, we hope you enjoy this one!


The following day after the occurrence at bar night, Terra is beginning to grow accustomed with the Titans' arrangement:

Relax - Training - Relax - Crime Fighting - Relax - Sleep

As the blonde girl steps through the doors to the Ops Room, still weary from a painful night's rest, she is almost immediately greeted by the fellow green shapeshifter.

Beast Boy: Hey Terra!

Terra: Woah! Uh... hey Beast Boy. Hey everyo-

Before Terra can get a chance to greet the other 5 Titans, Beast Boy, of course, speaks up.

Beast Boy: Can we get you something for breakfast?

Terra: Well, uh... what's on the house?

The green little boy leads Terra down to the kitchen/dining area, already housing Cyborg, and sits her down.

Cyborg: It's your choice girl, we got everything.

Terra: Thanks Cyborg, how about a bagel with some jam on it?

Cyborg: Comin' right up!

Y/N, who is sitting at the dining table across from Robin and Starfire, takes a sharp inhale at her order (Comment down below if you know why).

Starfire: Friend Y/N, are you okay?

Y/N: (His Hands Over His Eyes and Temples) I'm... fine. Just had a flashback.

He places his hands back down from his face and places them on the table. Robin continues to look at him with concern, the bad kind of concern. This is all Robin had done to him since Terra showed up.

When Cyborg served Terra her meal, she wolfed it up like a lion who hadn't eaten it days.

Beast Boy: Woah, I guess you were hungry.

Terra: Sorry, I haven't had a proper meal in a while.

Robin: Well, later on, we are having a training session, to test what you can do. Are you alright with that?

Terra: Um... what kind of training will it be?

Robin: Just an obstacle course to start out.

Terra: Oh, ok.

Robin: For now, let's just finish getting ready for the day, then we'll get to it.

Raven, who is reading a book on the couch, delivers words for the first time all morning.

Raven: What time?

Robin: Around 12:00. Sound good to everyone?

Y/N: Sure.

Timeskip to 11:30

Y/N is in the gym/training area of Titans Tower, blasting AC/DC music while beating the heck out of a titanium boxing bag.
As expected of him, a short, spiked-haired leader walks through the doors.

Robin: Hey Y/N, could you turn that music off?!

Y/N turns around to view the leader with the casual serious expression he usually equips for moments like this. Without saying a word, he steps over to the speaker and holds down the off button, shutting down the machine.

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