Chapter 39: Wrong Turn, Too Early

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It had been 4 days since Y/N's arrival in Tokyo. His stay had so far gone well. That is... it went well in the sense that he had hoped.
As he used to back in his earlier days on Earth, Y/N did nothing but lurk secretly in the shadows and the dark corners of the region. However, this time wasn't the same. Not by a long shot.

Ever since Y/N's trip to Nevermore, he very slowly began to lose his honor and pride as a God, and even a superhero. He couldn't use any of his abilities the way he used to be able to. He couldn't show affection to people the way he used to. And worst of all, he couldn't bond with his friends the way he used to.

But, since it was happening painfully slow and subtly, he figured that he'd have heaps of time to buy and sort things out with the Titans. But he never realized that the trailer hauling the process behind was the joy that he had been given from his family.

He still had strength and abilities much greater than the ones of an ordinary human being, but in the sense of a God, he was a disgrace.

As of now, at 3 AM, he strolled aimlessly down another dark alleyway, wearing a poofy hooded jacket he picked up on the side of the road over his superhero uniform. He needed something to keep his face relatively hidden.

A few meters ahead of him, he faintly notices a figure barely moving in distress. He caustically takes a few steps towards the source of his curiosity, as his vision became clearer.

He sees an elderly Japanese man, easily in his 80's, lying down against the decayed wall of the alleyway.
He looked as if he hadn't showered in months. His skin was dry and flaky. But what caught Y/N's eye, was the state of the man's arm.
It was coated with fresh blood and shredded skin. If you paid close attention, you could notice fragments of bone poking out from beneath the flesh. This, of course, was leading the man to total devastation and he was sobbing his eyes out.

Once he noticed Y/N, he quickly cowered back in fear, which did not do the pain in his arm too well.

He and Y/N lock eyes as the celestial God crouches down to meet his eye level. Y/N takes his gaze away from the man's face and centers it on the man's destroyed arm.

Y/N speaks out in a low, monotone voice.

Y/N: Stay still.

Not a hint of fear leaves the elderly man's eyes. Y/N places his hand gently on the man's arm, deeply but quietly inhaling and exhaling.
The man glances down at his arm, witnessing the event occurring before his eyes.

The flesh slowly begins to heal back up, and the blood soaks back into its place in the flesh.
His skin began to return to a moist and healthy state, leaving him healthy and good as new.

The man's eyes once again snap with Y/N's. Y/N steadily helps him rise to his feet, standing up to his natural posture.

He speaks out again, still in the same monotone gravel.

Y/N: Go in peace.

He takes a few light steps away from the man, nodding his head towards the open streets. The man, still a little hazy and dizzy, sprints out of the alleyway without hesitation, occasionally glancing back and forth at Y/N.

A slight smile creeps onto Y/N's face for a few brief moments, before an all too familiar voice echoes from deeper in the alley.

???: You haven't quite lost your touch... yet, at least.

Y/N whips his head around, finding the faint, dark hooded silhouette of a man around his height, give or take a few inches.

???: You know, this really isn't where I predict you'd be after all this time. Making close friends with... 'humans'. Not being able to survive in the vacuum of space after a few hours without protection. I figured you would at least still be searching for conquest in the galactic scheme of these current circumstances.

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