Chapter 4: The First Battle

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As Y/N had recently ordered, the Titans were chilling back doing their usual activities.

Cyborg and Beast Boy invited Y/N to play their racing game on the GameStation.

Cyborg: Oh damn it Y/N, how are you so good at this game? You've never even played it before!

Y/N: It's all about strategy and timing Cyborg.

Cyborg gets slightly annoyed at Y/N.

Beast Boy: See Cy, I told you that you weren't the best.

Cyborg: Do you not even see how you play?

Beast Boy: At least I don't try to get people to think I'm better than I am.

Cyborg: Are you kidding me, you do that all the time.

Y/N: Hey guys calm down! It's just a video game. Unless these cars come out of the screen and run us over in the real world we have nothing to worry about.

Beast Boy: Oh well, I guess you're kinda right.

Cyborg and Beast Boy mutter under their breath.

Starfire: Friend Y/N, would you like to try one of my traditional Tamaranean dishes?

All the Titans suddenly look over in Y/N's direction and gesture 'No'.

Y/N: Ok... What's in it?

Starfire: Well...

Y/N: Oh no wait, there are probably ingredients I've never heard of. It's fine I'll just try it.

Y/N grabs a spoon off Starfire as the other 4 Titans anxiously watched the second leader.

He places the spoon to his lips while absorbing the taste.

Y/N: Not bad.

The Titans including Starfire: What!

Y/N: Trust me, this is nothing compared to the stuff I've had.

Starfire: Well, it is the nice to know that some appreciate the food of the Tamaraneans.

There was suddenly a loud noise coming from the intercom system.

Robin: Oh great, The HIVE are at it again.

Y/N: The HIVE? Have you got an army of bee's chasing after you?

Robin sighs.

Robin: No, the HIVE are... (Sighs) We'll explain it when we get down there. Is everybody ready?

Everyone: Yes!

Robin: Good, let's go!

Timeskip To Jumpy City Centre

Gizmo: Why do those dumb Titans even bother to try and stop us? We just do the same thing over and over again.

Jinx: Why do you think, all heroes are dumb.

Mammoth: Plus, we always manage to get away!

Billy Numerous and Seemour are to busy terrorizing the innocent citizens of Jump City.

Seemore: Why don't y'all look me in the eyeeeeeee! (Blasts Laserbeams out of his eye)

Billy Numerous Clones: Don't worry, there's no need to be afraid of us.

The Teen Titans appear seemingly out of nowhere with their new second in command.

Robin: Hold it right their HIVE!

Y/N: Next time you attack Jump City, try to do it a little more quiet the way bee's do.

Gizmo: Uh I'm sorry, who's the new freak?

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