Chapter 17: Mr. Perfection

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Nivado: Hey guys! I just wanted to ask once again, that if I make any grammatical errors in this chapter, please let me know. I miss a lot of them when I write.

Anyway, Enjoy the Chapter!


Cyborg (Through T-sub Intercom): Need a hand, guys?

Y/N and Aqualad look past Trident to see a familiar submarine, carrying their friends, emerge from the mist of the ocean water.

Y/N: Hey, it's about time!

Robin: Eat this Trident!

Robin slams down on the controls of his booth, sending bullets firing straight to Trident's chest. Trident flies back, slamming into Y/N and Aqualad. They both catch him before he goes too far.

Aqualad: I'll be taking that!

Aqualad snatches Trident's Trident off of him before he can strike. Y/N then punches Trident directly in the face at full force, knocking Trident out. The Titans watch him float down to the surface of the sea. Y/N stares with a horrified facial expression.

Y/N: What did I just do?

Aqualad: You killed him.

Starfire: Weren't we only supposed to do the arresting?

Raven: Yes Star, but-

Before Raven can finish her sentence, they see... Trident, rises up from the depths of the ocean where he once fell.

Y/N: Ok, what the hell is going on today!?

Robin (Through T-sub Intercom): Well, one things for sure, Trident isn't dead. Titans! Retreat!

Y/N and Aqualad grab onto the side of the T-sub, as Cyborg steers the T-sub towards the cliffside to try and find the nearest cave.

Cyborg (Through T-sub Intercom): Looks like your punch wasn't strong enough Y/N!

Y/N: I kind of wanna say that's impossible, but it will probably come out the wrong way.

Trident Number 2 fires an energy beam out of his Trident, missing the T-sub by a few inches.

Robin (Through T-sub Intercom): We gotta get to the nearest cave before this Trident catches us.

Raven: Over there!

Raven points to a nearby cave that she noticed, about 250 feet away.

Robin: Excellent. Titans head toward that cave!

The Titans very recklessly steer towards the cave, trying their best to avoid the blasts from Trident. They eventually make it into the cave, but unfortunately, the T-sub is once again beaten up, possibly worse than before.

Cyborg: Oh you gotta be kidding me!!!

The Titans, except Y/N and Aqualad who are already outside, hop out of the T-sub.

Starfire: The Trident appears to be very numerous. How will we defeat him?

Robin: That's something we will have to figure out Star.

Cyborg: Wait. Where's Beastie?

Y/N: I saw him searching for Trident in the place that he was last spotted. I figured he had it under control.

Raven: You thought Beast Boy had it under control?

Y/N: Yeah... It probably wasn't the best idea.

Robin: Ugh. He won't pick up his communicator.

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