fourteen: Interrogation & Colour Choices

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Fourteen: Interrogation & Colour Choices

While Zayn was still sleeping I woke up an hour ago and prepared some breakfast for the family and then got dressed for the day in some black skinny jeans and a blouse. Since it was too cold to only wear a blouse I pulled a thick black cardigan over it matching everything with some gold jewellery. My hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. That was the best thing I could do with my thick and way too long hair.

“Morning love”, Trisha joined me into the kitchen with a silk robe and some pyjamas on. She looked so natural and healthy, not a single crease forming in her skin unless the little crinkles in the corner of her eyes.

“Morning auntie”, I greeted back while finishing of the table and sitting down waiting for everyone to join us. 

Not much different from the last times everyone came one by one down the stairs, praising the food which I prepared rather carelessly yet decently.

I was anxious to see Zayn this morning due to the fact that we slept in the same bed last night while holding hands. He looked so innocent while sleeping, no one would ever be able to assume something about him when seeing him in this state. Almost paradoxical in some weird kind of way.

But I also knew I couldn’t really avoid seeing him so I just tried shrugging it of and as on cue Zayn walked down the stairs with his muscle tee from last night and some sweat pants looking messy yet fitting. As always.

He smiled at me mixed with a hint of a smirk in it. I smiled back and then turned my eyes back to my plate to finish of my breakfast. After that I excused myself from the table to go and brush my teeth.

I just liked the feeling of my teeth being all fresh at all times. 

Soon after I returned downstairs and sat down on the coach everyone was finished with their breakfast I went and helped Doniya with the dishes which didn’t take too long since we all put them into the machine.

“So…”, she suddenly started turning to me. What was she going to say?

“I saw you last night skipping into his room”, she said raising her brow and smirking in a challenging way. Oh no. 

My cheeks turned a different shade of red and I just acted as if I was busy with something. But it didn’t really do the trick.

“What were you two doing?”, she asked excitedly and nosily. What did she thought we did? What would she expect from me?

“Nothing, really”, I answered truthfully, nodding a bit. But that just wasn’t enough of an answer for Doniya. She needed all the details. Details that I couldn’t give her because all that happened was sleeping in the same bed. Maybe with a little hand holding but that was it.

A big deal for me but sure as hell not for anyone else.

Just to my luck Zayn appeared at the right moment saving me from the awkwardness of the situation.

“What are you girls doing?”, he asked, now properly dressed with a simple long sleeved tight shirt and a dark skinny jeans.

“Oh, just talking about last nights encounter”, Doniya said chuckling a bit before she made her way upstairs leaving us two - Zayn and me - alone in the huge living room. I remembered his offer from yesterday of driving me over to the location of the Nikah. 

“Are you ready to go?”, he asked me while pulling on some socks sitting on the white coach. He looked good.

“Yeah I am. Should I just tell auntie that we’ll be out?”

“I already told her, darling, no worries. She said it was a good idea for some bonding time”, he answered and I was somehow relieved that he told her but also having a feel of awkwardness because she said we needed some ‘bonding time’.

On our way out he softly pushed me slightly with his hand on the small of my back where the feminine s-line curve was.

I didn’t know Zayn had a drivers license so I was a bit surprised when he led me to a smaller white car with brown leather seats. Once we were safely seated inside the car Zayn turned on the heat and some music I’ve never heard before. Sounded like R ‘n B. Wasn’t very familiar with this sort of music but surprisingly enough I found myself in some way liking it.

After the atmosphere in the small car was pleasing enough for him he put the key into it’s keyhole to start the car and began driving.

He was a good driver, I had to let him have that. We didn’t talk much besides him asking me if I was okay and feeling good and if he should turn the heat or the volume of the music down which I always nicely declined with a friendly smile.

It was so weird yet so pleasant seeing him this nice and caring. I wasn’t used to him acting that way. Maybe I shouldn’t quiet get used to it but it was so alluring to just pretend everything was going to be fine in my - our - future. 

“It’s only a minute from now until we arrive”, Zayn informed me while passing a green light and pushing on the pedal a last time before taking a turn and pulling into a large parking lot in front of a huge building.

That’s where my Nikah was going to be held in like two weeks I suppose. The thought still appeared so foreign that I quickly pushed it back to the smallest corner in my mind. Even though sooner or later I was forced to get used to it. After all it was me who willingly agreed on the whole thing.

Zayn parked the car on the spot nearest to the entrance of the building so we didn’t have to walk all across the parking lot. There definitely was something bonding between us but neither of us could yet put a finger on it and call it something. 

“You excited?”, he asked once we walked through the enormous, double sided door, his hand finding it’s spot on the little curve of my back again. I liked the feeling of his hand.

As soon as we made our way through the hallway we arrived at the actual hall and man was it huge. I thought this was supposed to be a small celebration with closest family and the actual wedding was going to be huge, but if this was like three times the size I imagined, what should I expect from the actual wedding then?

“This place is massive”, I finally spoke out my thought and I think I could trust my ears with hearing a little chuckle coming from his side.

“It is, isn’t it? But there wont be too many people, we just wanted a larger dance floor and bride’s and groom’s place. It’s going to be all dark green and gold, that’s fine, right?”

I gave him a satisfied nod.

“That actually are the colours I always wanted my Nikah to be. So nice choice, whoever made it”, I approved and only later I realized I just literally admitted I dreamed of my Nikah. How embarrassing.

Authors Note:

hi everyone, hope y'all are doing well

I finally updated and I'm applauding myself, that's great.

Basically all is the same, vote, comment, share bla bla bla bla bla whatever idec

love you all massively and enormously and very much

bella x

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