thirteen: A Picture & Same Bed

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Thirteen: A Picture & Same Bed

The fact that we both were completely alone in his room intimidated me more than it should have. His smell and warmth was way more prominent and close to me than ever. It was like he let me explore a part of his privacy.

“So… the Nikah is in two weeks”, Zayn stated the obvious and I nodded shortly. This thought brought back anxiety to me again. Why so soon?

“Do you have everything you need for the party?”, he asked to make some sort of conversation. I really needed to try harder.

“I do. We bought the saree and also matching jewellery and shoes. What about you?”

“Same here, while you girls were shopping yesterday we got my clothes, too and also some shoes and a set of rings for us two” Rings? I didn’t know we would exchange rings at the Nikah already. That was weird.

“Will the Nikah be here or back in Bradford?”, I asked him.

“Here in a hall near to our house. We could go there tomorrow so I could show you?”, he offered politely. Why was he so nice all of the sudden? 

“Sure, thank you”, I agreed and smiled at him which he returned before he crawled up his bed and rested against his headboard. He patted the sheets next to him signalling me to come sit next to him.

Slowly crawling over while still trying to look fairly elegant and civilized the tension in my mind increased from time to time. This was all so new and weird to me, being in a room alone with a boy.

“This is so weird”

“Hm?”, he murmured turning his head to me.

“I- I just never would’ve thought this all would happen a few weeks ago. I thought I was a hopeless case when it came to marriage, I honestly felt so bad for my parents and disappointing them in this marriage thing”, I admitted truthfully.

“Well, look where you are now. I thought the same actually”

“You thought I was a hopeless case?” My eyes widened at him.

He chuckled while shaking his head.

“No, not at all. I meant me. I wasn’t ready for commitment, well at least I thought so until I saw that picture of you which my parents showed me” Wait, what?

“They showed you a picture of me?”, I asked disbelievingly.

“Yeah, before we came here for the wedding they told me there was this girl they wanted me to meet and I was like ‘mum, you know I’m not ready’. But she forced me to take a look at the picture at least and so I did and thought ‘I’d give it a shot’. So here we are”, he explained.

So they weren’t there for the wedding and also we didn’t meet fortuitously. Didn’t know how I liked that to be honest.

“Zayn, why are you so nice all of a sudden?”, I finally dared to ask in deepest hopes of not ruining all this.

He yet again just chuckled.

“As I told you I wasn’t quiet ready and I do have a short temper, got to admit that. And your smart mouth and the provocative things you said just didn’t help really. But I’m sorry, I really am”, he told me while shrugging a bit.

This man, I swear.

“Oh, uh, sorry. And it’s okay”, I assured him with a short smile.

This is still so awkward, oh my god.

“What time is it?”, I asked him to overcome the awkwardness and the obvious tension in the air.

“Half past eleven”

“I probably should go sleeping, it’s late and I’m tired”, I excused myself while standing up but he gripped my wrist.

“You could sleep here?”, he asked.


“I don’t know, Zayn…”

“Please? I wont touch you, I promise”, he laughed a bit, his hand still wrapped around my tiny wrist.

“What if your parents or sisters walk in, they’ll get the wrong idea”, I argued but of course he had a come back.

“They all love you so much, you have no idea, darling”

This made me blush involuntarily.

“They do?”, I asked unbelievingly.

He nodded in return and his hand slowly pulled me towards the bed again.


He groaned. “What is it now, darling? You always have something to argue about, don’t you?”

“I just need to brush my teeth, Zayn”, I said and he sighed and let my wrist go.

“But I promise to come back then, okay?”

His eyes brightened and he smiled while nodding at me dismissing me to go to the door and take care of my hygiene.

Just as promised I returned shortly after I had brushed my teeth so my breath smelled of mint and also dressed myself in some more fancy than usual pyjama.

“Come in”, Zayn shouted from the other side of the door making me worried that someone might hear. Despite Zayn’s reassuring I still had my doubts.

I walked in while shutting the door behind me. Letting my ponytail free I stood around awkwardly.

“Weren’t you tired?”, Zayn asked smirking at me.

“I am”, I confessed.

“Then what are you waiting for? An invitation? Turn off the light and come here lay next to me”, he said while laughing and I blushed. Luckily the darkness that soon consumed the room made it impossible for Zayn to see the redness on my cheeks.

Suddenly I felt his hand in mine and he guided me over to the bed gently. I loved  this side of him, oh god.

I felt him so close to me and it was such a nice feeling.

“Good night, darling”, he whispered as we both laid down on the soft mattress.

His hand remained in mine.

authors note:

Hi everyone!

Wait whaaaat third update in. a. row. 

I'm pretty proud and surprised myself but as promised it's winterbreak (which is ending tomorrow tho cry) and since I'm havibg writers block with Stormy I decided to give my full attention to Sugar Coat.

This chapter is pretty short I know, sorry. But it's cute as hell and it's a short story after all so no complaining alright people.

Vote, if you liked it, comment and share my story with your friends, family etc etc 

Love you all to no end, bella x

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