three: Guests

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Three: Guests

Death silence was filling the car I currently sat in with my mum and dad on our way back home from the party. Since it was so late the Maliks could just stay right behind our car and follow us to our house with their Jeep because there were basically no other cars on the streets right now.

"Rish, I now you don't talk a lot and it's a huge overcoming to socialize with people and talk and stuff. I'm your mother, I understand and respect that but please try to be polite and nice these few days while the Maliks are staying over. They are such a nice family and I don't want them to think badly of you", my mum suddenly asked of me in such a nice tone and way I nearly gasped.

"I'll try, mum, I promise", I pledged with assurance before leaning back in the soft car seat trying to fall asleep.


"Rish, wake up. We're at home and the Maliks are waiting for you to wake up and show them where they can sleep and stuff. Hurry", my dad woke me from my precious sleep, closing his car door harshly, which caused me to jolt up from the sudden, loud noise.

I took my clutch that was way too glittery for my liking and made my way out of the door trying not to stumble on the gravel approach with my heels. Personally I hated wearing heels and I wasn't even good at walking on them on even grounds but I had to wear them with my long, colourful dresses or I would stumble over my own dress.

"Having a hard time walking, huh?", I heard the familiar deep voice whisper behind me followed by a deep chuckle.

"Seems so", I retorted, slightly annoyed by all his remarks he performed in just this few hours I have met him.

"Arisha! The guests are waiting, hurry up, will you?", my dad yelled losing his patience with me taking so much time. I took of my heels and started running towards the front door. Forgetting about Zayn behind me I slammed the door shut and took of my shoes. Seconds later the loud doorbell reminded me of his absence.

"You don't want me here, Arisha? Do you slam the door in front of the guests face? That's really disrespectful, darling, I know your parents raised you better", he obviously teased. I rolled my eyes and sighed clear for him to hear before I put my purse on the small table in the hallway and made my way towards the living room to welcome the guests from my side and give them their rooms to sleep in. Luckily we did have two spare rooms, means either Zayn and the girls would have to sleep in one room together or Zayn would have to sleep in the living room.

We all know what he chose.

"Thank you, Rish, dear, you should go get some rest, you've done enough to make us feel welcome and comfortable now. Tiredness is literally written all over your eyes, you must be really exhausted", Trisha concerned patting my shoulder in a nice way.

She was so right, so unbelievably right. I woke up early today because my mum went to the hair dresser today for the party early and dad had to go to work so I had to wake up early with him and prepare his breakfast and while he was in work I had to take care of all the household that was to handle. Imagine if I wouldn't have done all the cleaning, my whole family would've been embarrassed in front of the Maliks who apparently were old friends of us.

I still didn't understand why I couldn't remember them.

"Good night everyone", I kindly wished them before stalking off to my own room, changing into my soft pyjamas, pulled my hair up into a ponytail and literally just dropped into bed and threw the thin blanket over me since it was mid summer and a duvet would've just been too much in this heat.

Surprisingly I didn't fall asleep right away as I have expected. Instead I found myself lost in thoughts unable to just even close my lids halfway.

I was proud of me, because I haven't socialised with people all year as much as I have today. That definitely was a improvement. And also I quite liked that I didn't let my intimidation I felt with Zayn show.

To my misfortune I was in the strong need of a toilet all of a sudden and I was afraid of the dark and couldn't turn on the lights while going down the hallway to the toilet. Everyone besides me seemed to have a bathroom connected to their room.

Carefully I tapped down the hallway stretching out my arms on either side of me to fell for the walls so I wouldn't hit the walls or any furniture. I was so scared right now, no one could've imagined. Terrified was the better word, literally terrified of the dark. I hated it when I didn't know what was going on around me.

Suddenly two arms slung around my body causing me to shriek loudly and my eyes nearly popping out in panic. I hit around with my arms trying to get him off me without any luck. I was dragged down the hallway, a large, cold hand covering my mouth now preventing any noise to slip from me.

The lights turned on and I found myself tossed in the middle of the living room on the mattress breathing heavily and searching for whoever was responsible for that, already having a slight premonition.

It verified when I heard that familiar laughing from the corner of the room. There stood Zayn clutching his stomach from laughing too hard. But I didn't feel like being humorous at all.

Gathering myself I stood up, walked up to him and before he even had the chance to react I pushed him into the wall, fury running through my veins.

"You think that's funny, idiot?!", I nearly screamed, just keeping my voice low to not wake anyone up even thought I was sure within the next few seconds my father would complain about the noise here and when he'd see me with Zayn all alone at night, hell would come to earth.

And exactly that happened.

"Arisha! Go to your room, what's going on here?!", he whisper-yelled causing me to take a big step backwards looking between Zayn and him.

"Just needed a glass of water", I mumbled, before running up the hall and closing the door behind me

This just caused a really big scene and it embarrassed me in front of the whole Malik family.

authors note:

ohhh Zayn's not really making himself looking good in front of Rish

What do you think?

What will happen?

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also check out 'Stormy', my first Zayn fanfiction

until the next chapter, dears

bella x

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