one: Old Friends

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One: Old Friends

All around me the only thing I saw where happy, dancing people having fun. Loving their life, talking to other people and being social. Just to my luck being social wasn't exactly the thing I was best at.

Nervously I sat here alone at that circular table, which was clothed in a simple white tablecloth. Normally simple wasn't the thing my family was good at. Extraordinary and the more the better was the perfect way to describe us.

It was sad actually that everyone had someone to talk to except for me but then again I didn't make a great effort in finding someone to have fun with and enjoy my time. And I was okay with being alone I mean it's not that bad. Once you're used to it. The bad thing simply is, that my mum gets angry at me when I sit alone because she says she doesn't want her daughter to sit alone and look sad while everyone is having fun.

"Rish! How long has it been! You've become so big, mash'Allah! Come here, let me hug you!", some beautiful lady, probably in her 30's or beginning of the 40's suddenly said full of enthusiasm, a bright smile shaped on her dark red lips. She looked nice. Out of respect I stood up for her and got ready to shake her hand when she pulled me into her holding me tight in her grip for at least a good five minutes. I didn't know who this woman was but it seemed as if she knew me very well from when I was younger.

"You are so beautiful, Arisha, I bet your parents are so proud to have you!", she exclaimed honestly sounding very proud herself. Behind her there were 3 very gorgeous girls, one around ten years, she was very cute and had the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen on a girl her age. Then there was a girl right in her teen years, maybe 14 or 15, she had a very mature look for her age, very beautiful as well as the last girl which looked older than the other two, maybe 20 or 21 with a very friendly face, light make up bringing out her beautiful features even more.

One by one all of them came up to me giving me a hug but I could read on their faces they had no idea who I was just like I didn't now who they were.

"Why are you sitting here all by yourself, pretty? My girls will give you company, yeah? By the way girls, where's Zayn again? He's always feeling from greeting people, this boy. You and Zayn, my son, were always playing together when you were younger, Arisha, it was so cute, let me tell you that. I still have so many pictures and videos of you two!", she told me while laughing a bit and looking around probably looking for her son.

I can't remember a Zayn in my life, but then again I don't remember any boy I've had any kind of relation with except cousins and my older brother.

"Alright girls I sadly have to leave and great the rest of the family now, especially your beautiful mum, Rish! Have fun, yeah?", she said and with she left elegantly walking down the small path that led to the tables where everyone was sitting with her approximately 5 or 6 inch heels.

Try to make conversation, Rish. They seem nice.

"So, hi, I'm really sorry I can't remember you, but I'm Arisha, Rish for short", I introduced myself with a shaky voice waving my hand shortly at them in a greeting manner.

The girls waved back and said it was okay, because the didn't remember me either except Doniyah, the oldest one. The youngest one was Safaa, a real sweetheart. She didn't want to leave my side at all! And then we have Waliyah, the 15 year old, she was a bit shy but also very nice. Just didn't talk a lot. Well, at least not as much as her sisters. We easily got caught up in a conversation which mainly consisted of us desperately trying to remember any childhood memories. But of course we failed.

After an hour or so a man, who probably was in his 40's, approached us slowly.

"Arishay! I haven't seen you in forever, kid! How are you?", he asked kindly as I stood up to kiss his hand as it was custom in our tradition. He gave me a pat on the back. I assumed he was the girl's dad.

"Hello Uncle, I'm fine thank you, how are you? I can't even remember all those beautiful memories your wife told me about! Could you tell us some?", I asked him nicely. He laughed and sat down on at table.

"Yes, please dad, tell us some stories!", the girls pleaded him as he got himself a glass of coke.

"Alright, alright, but first, Safaa, go get your brother, yeah? Maybe he wants to hear this, too", he chuckled a bit to himself as Safaa immediately stood up and went to look for her brother Zayn. I would be lying if I said I wasn't the slightest bit nervous and excited. Because man was I nervous and I didn't even know why.

"Saf, you can stop dragging me now, I saw where they sit", I suddenly heard a deep amused voice behind me and after that a cute little giggle of Safaa.

authors note:

Hi everyone *waving*

Hope you like the first chapter and yeah some of you might know what to imagine this party like lol.

vote, comment, share :)

bye-bye *waving again*

bella x

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