seven: No Pressure & Intimidation

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Seven: No Pressure & Intimidation

As the spoken out words began to sink in I began fumbling with my hands like a maniac and I felt the colour creep into my cheeks making them appear in a soft pink tone. Never would I have ever thought about their intentions of staying here before but now that I knew everything suddenly made sense and I questioned myself how I didn’t notice before. 

At the party when Uncle Yaser insisted on Zayn joining us at the table.

Them permanently reminding us what great friends we were.

How randomly no one besides my dad woke up when Zayn scared me to death.

Making us go out together.

Complementing me all the time.

It all made sense. How could I be so dumb and not realize earlier?

My eyes were fixed to the ground, opened widely.

“Rish? Are you okay?”, Trisha asked concerned and walked over to me immediately rubbing my back. It didn’t comfort me at all. I just got more anxious at the thought of my potential mother-in-law trying to comfort me.


He must be literally devasted inside at the wish of his parents to marry me. We couldn’t marry. Too much happened.

“Zayn, Arishay, you don’t have to decide immediately. You have time until tomorrow morning because our lovely guests decided to leave by then. If you two decide yes then Zayn can stay longer but if no he’ll go, too”, my dad explained in an attempt to calm both of us but the wanted effect didn’t quite work.

Tomorrow morning. By then I’ll have to decide whether I wanted to make my parents the happiest parents alive and agree on marrying Zayn or think about myself first and decline the proposal.

“You two can spend as much time as you want with each other to get to know each other better and to catch up until the morning but by then we need a final answer”, Uncle Yaser explained and I did my best and nodded.

“Don’t be too scared, Rish, no one will judge you. It’s just our biggest wish since forever and we would love if you would agree because honestly we can’t think of anyone better for you two but there’s absolutely no pressure, we promise”, Trisha promised.

I just waited for the permission to go upstairs alone and lock myself up in my room and cry. Because that’s all I wanted to do right now. Cry.

Soon after we ate some sweets we actually were dismissed and I did exactly that.

Throwing myself on the bed after shutting the door behind me carefully, I stuffed my face into the pillow and drenched it up with my salty tears.

I never cried and when I did it was because I was really confused and saw no hope in anything. And that was what happening.

After my ten minutes of crying I stood up and went to my bathroom to refresh myself. I washed my face multiple times and brushed my teeth. I considered taking a shower but then decided to do that in the evening when everyone was sleeping so I wouldn’t block the bathroom for too long in case anyone needed to use it.

I grabbed the towel and dried my skin carefully before looking into the mirror to examine myself. My eyes still were kind of bloodshot and my cheeks a soft tone of pink. My lips a bit swollen as they always were after washing my face and to put it all in one word I looked like a wreck.

Annoyed with myself I walked back to my room only to be greeted by someone I wanted to see the least at the moment.

“They said we should talk”, Zayn said firmly but quietly looking me right in the eyes. He looked as unpleased as I was but he didn’t show it through tears but anger I suppose.

Looking at him sitting on my bed I closed the behind me and leaned against the wall opposite of the bed.

“Talk then”, I told him trying to remain stabile and not break down in front of him.

His hard stare made me even more uncomfortable than I already was with him sitting on my bed, in my room with me alone with the door shut.

“Are you serious right now?”, he gasped in disbelieve clearly annoyed and not as cheeky as he usually is.

“Zayn, I don’t know what to say or think or feel or do tomorrow morning, I’m in the same position as you. Don’t act like you are a victim”, I explain in a monotone voice holding back from rolling my still slightly red eyes.

“Me playing a victim? I wasn’t the one crying here”, he shot back making me look at him angrily.

“You have no saying in when it’s appropriate for me to cry and when not”, I hiss and he laughs humourless.

“Look, darling, I don’t want this as much as you don’t, if not, more. So I beg you to shut that insolent mouth of yours”, he whisper-screams and I couldn’t deny that I was hurt by his choice of words.

I wasn’t insolent. If anyone was, then he.

“Do you know why your parents want you to marry me?”, I asked him challenging, anger pumping through my veins.

Zayn stood up, eyes hard. He walked over to me until there were only mere inches between us and I could feel his breath on my face as he towered over me.

“No, why don’t you tell me, Arisha?”, he asked back sarcastically intimidating me to no end. But I had to remain strong.

“Because they know no one would want you and with our parents being friends it’s all so much easier”, I spat into his face and I saw his anger and annoyance growing as he slammed his fist directly into the wall right next to my face.

I flinched and now my face gave away nothing but fright. Suddenly I realized it was very dumb of me to get this brave with him because after all I barely knew him. Who knew what he was capable of?

authors note:

Hey, early update.

Things are starting to happen ohh.

Hope you like it, thanks for reading.

Bella x

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