seventeen: Family Friends & Incomplete Puzzles

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Seventeen: Family Friends & Incomplete Puzzles

Her name was Mina I was informed the next morning after a sleepless night filled with thoughts over thoughts and nerve wrecking suspense. Mina Khan with her mum Irena. In other words, family friends of the Malik’s which arrived earlier from America for the Nikah .

In two days. 

I felt like fainting but I quickly gasped for air unnoticeably and then joined everyone else on the long table which was set with mouth watering food. I decided I wanted to go on a diet so I would fit into my saree. But one paratha wouldn’t hurt anyone.

Mina was gorgeous. That was the only way to describe her thick, long black hair which met her bum and her hazel, more greenish coloured big eyes and tanned skin. Her metre long legs invited jealous and adoring eyes and so did her well curved body. I wished I had her undeniably perfect looks.

“Rish, aren’t you hungry, dear?”, Trisha woke me up from my daydreaming and a crimson blush crept up my neck before finally resting - and unfortunately staying - on my flushed cheeks.

“I already finished, thanks auntie,” I partly stuttered, partly murmured before forcing a small smile. I could feel Zayn’s intimidating yet warm eyes on me since he was sitting right besides me as always. But what bothered me was, that Mina had taken the spot on the left side of him and they seemed to have a great bonding time. Unlike him and me.

“What are you guys planning on doing today?”, Yaser asked suddenly making Mina, Zayn and me turn our heads to him. And Zayn didn’t look at me to see what we should do but I seemed as if he  had some plans today anyways.

“Mina and I have some plans for this evening. Until then we’ll just stay at home I guess,” he answered and I felt the jealousy taking up my body like the worst type of poison. My heart felt heavy, like a brick was hung on it with the thickest rope you could get tied so tightly it might burst any second.

“Great,” Yaser said but he looked at me with worry written all over his face. Trisha and Irena were way too caught up talking about some TV show and Doniya and Waliyha were in the kitchen cleaning up already. Only Safaa was paying attention but I couldn’t blame her for not noticing anything. How was a ten year old supposed to understand all this?

“I’ll just… be in my room. If you need me you know where to find me,” I informed everyone before standing up and walking up the cold marble stairs with my heart pounding like a maniac screaming to get free. 


They didn’t need me. The whole day passed and no one even bothered walking up to my room and see how I was coping with everything. But how should they know how I felt? I wouldn’t let anyone know. Besides that, since when do I even like Zayn much enough to get jealous over him talking to his cousin? 

The clock in my room showed 7 pm and Trisha called out for dinner time. I didn’t feel ready to go down and face them but I knew I couldn’t let Trisha and everyone who always tried so hard with me down. So I sucked it up and put on my cardigan which had pockets on either side. I packed a package of tissues and made my way downstairs to join everyone at the table.

And I didn’t have to face them. They were out already as they had announced during our brunch earlier.

On the one hand I was relieved. Relieved that I didn’t have to watch them talk and giggle and chuckle, oh god that chuckle directed to anyone else than me. Image all his flirtatious lines spoken to another girl. But then again I wasn’t sure what they were doing right now without my eyes full of envy constantly watching them.

Irena and Trisha were caught up talking again and so were Waliyha, Doniya and Yaser. Safaa took place right next to me and I enjoyed her innocent, loving aura around me and smiled at her.

She smiled right back with little dimples appearing on either side of her softly toned cheeks making her seem only more genuine and adorable. 

I was eating quietly, forcing the well cooked food down my dry and burning throat while everyone was way too caught up in their conversations to notice my awkward and uncomfortable feelings.

Everyone was finished already and I began cleaning up the table with the help of Doniya. Waliyha walked up to her room quietly and let us do the work. 

“Are you alright? You look so pale. Are you getting ill?”, Doniya suddenly asked with a worried undertone in her calming voice. She knew something was going on. She just didn’t know what exactly and I asked myself if no one besides me noticed how Zayn literally flirted with another girl in front of his soon to be wife. He was making it so obvious, too!

“I’m good,” I answered half-heartedly and I knew Doniya didn’t buy it. I put the kitchen clothe beside me on the counter top and sighed deeply.

“Who’s Mina and why does it look as if Zayn would’ve wished he’d marry her instead of me. In exactly two days I might add,” I blurted out everything I held inside since last night, everything that made my heart feel heavier than it should feel.

And I didn’t know what I wanted to hear from Doniya. I didn’t know if I wanted to hear “I’m so sorry, dear, after we moved here to London and we separated you and Zayn he started being friends with Mina and had a crush on her ever since. But then she moved to America and…” I didn’t need to hear any more.

It was all clear to me. Our marriage, after all, was arranged and nothing arranged could ever beat true love. I bet they were a couple before she moved to America. She might have been the one he was constantly texting when he was on his phone and immediately the images from our nightly encounters started to pop up in my head when he was on his phone. I bet he was talking to her even then being all flirty and nice. I bet he told her he missed her every day and night before coming to my room to ask if he could sleep here. 

All of the sudden I felt sickness erupt inside of me and I excused myself from Doniya, who was still talking and talking without any pause, and ran up the cold stairs without nay care if anyone was watching me weirdly. I found the way to my room without complications and went straight ahead to my bathroom.

I knew I didn’t need to throw up, even though I felt like it. It were just the tears that were building up and I wouldn’t let out. Until now at least.

Here I was, crying alone in my bathroom while my for me arranged husband was out with his crush at night probably having the time of their life after seeing each other after all this time. 

Doniya had said that she knew I was the only girl who could change him, him and his angry ways, his troubled life.

But when I saw how he looked at Mina, this smile that reached his ears and bared his perfect white teeth, the way he got completely lost while being with her, at that moment I knew it wasn’t me. It was her all the time and I just seemed to be the perfect fill up in the puzzle that was incomplete after she had moved to America. 

I was just the band aid for the missing piece that was now not needed anymore.


this was so deep I'm proud.

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love you all, bella x

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