five: Unbearable

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Five: Unbearable

After the very extensive brunch that was spread all over a large plastic blanket which everyone surrounded and sat down at like at a table but on the ground of course (that’s another kind of traditional thing, not everyone does it thought), I was hustled to my room to get ready for the day.

What should I wear for a day out with people my age who supposedly were my childhood friends? I had no idea especially since I didn’t go out in general.

“Rish! Are you ready yet? Come on now it’s only a day out, just wear something comfortable!”, Doniya called for me impatiently probably going up and down the hall in front of my room.

“Come in!”, I tell her close to distress. Just a second later my white, decorated door flew open to an angle I didn’t even know the door was able to open.

“I don’t now what to wear”, I confessed, my  voice slightly rising to an octave towards the end of the sentence, almost like a question. Doniya sighed while holding back from laughing at me.

“I would’ve never estimated for this type of girl”, she shook he head lightly before opening my also white dresser and pulling out a long summer dress along with a nude toned cardigan since there was a cold spring breeze blowing outside.

“There you go. You better be finished in five or else Zayn is going to rip of my and possibly your head also”, she warned in an overly exaggerating way, which still had it’s supposed effect causing me to dress in the speed of a model when she has to change between the times she’s walking out on the catwalk. Also, I was pretty sure Zayn was going to rip of my head before Doniyas’ making me roll my eyes in my thoughts.

My eyes hurt from all the rolling they experienced lately so I thought I should give them a rest.

In exactly five minutes I was finished with dressing and brushing my hair up to my usual ponytail with my long, dark brown hair.

“Well look who finally decided to get her ass down here”, Zayn stated barely audible making me wince at the curse word. I wasn’t fond of cursing. Even if it was only a word as overused as this one. It still was so unnecessary and dirty. Just nasty.

“Zayn stop being mean to her, let’s just go”, Doniya pushed, grabbing her jacket before saying bye to her parents and to everyone else and rushing us out of the door.

Where were we even going, they weren’t from here and I had no experience with good places to ‘hang out’ at all. They chose the wrong person to go out with. Should’ve taken my brother or something. Everyone but me.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to spend time with her or anything, just I was really awkward and usually my family would do the socializing and talking part for me but now I was on my own and no one could talk for me.

“Well, Arisha, where are we going?”, Zayn asked suddenly right besides me. How did he get here without me noticing?

“I-I don’t know? You two dragged me outside”, I shrugged trying to come out confident and sure of myself. I probably just made myself look stupid cause Mr Ignorance burst out laughing making Doniya scowl at him.

“I heard there was a great shopping mall here, we’ll go there”, Doniya stated starting to walk ahead of us, leaving me and Zayn together behind. I swear she did that on purpose.

“So you’re dragging me to go shopping with two ladies, thank you very much sister”, Zayn groaned.

He still had that smell of last night at the party on him. I tried to take deep breaths to take as much of the scent in as possible without getting noticed.

“I hear your heavy breath, darling”, he stated without turning his head to me, just staring right to the front.

“Stop calling me that!”, I snapped angrily now. Most probably because he just embarrassed me.

“Calling you what?”, he asked innocently, still not turning to me but his unbelievably cocky smirk that was written on every pore of his face was more than obvious.

“You know what I mean”, I answered since I have already wrapped my head around where he was going with this.

“Well, my dear, I don’t”, he shrugged making me even more furious.

“Stop!”, I nearly screamed. Zayn laughed and Doniya didn’t care about anything happening behind her, typing away on her iPhone with that pink case like a typical teenage girl.

“Calm down, darling. Don’t want you to strain your voice now, do we? You never talk so screaming all of a sudden could be unusual to your vocal chords”, he said trying to sound all professional but failing pretty hard.

“Leave me alone. And don’t call me darling. Thank you”, I commanded him leaving him behind me as I walked up to Doniya to walk besides her. Unbearable, that’s what he was. Annoying to an abnormal level and unbearable. He had me hating him in the span of not even a full day. That’s a wonder that’s worth writing down in the Guiness World Records book.

“Here we are!”, Doniya stated dreamily stretching her arms in the air. Let the fun begin.

authors note:

another chapter, yay :)

so instead of their relationship growing it just seems to go backwards, what is happening ayyy

And how could Doniya just drag her brother to go shopping with two females that's torture!

Tell me what you think and stuff and comment, vote plus share , would be so so so nice of you.

Esperance is still in progress and Stormy is so close to 1k reads and 100 votes, help me achieve my goal!

love to everyone, bella x

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