two: Reunion

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Two: Reunion

I didn't dare to turn around and look who stood there. Or better said, since I already knew who it was, I wasn't brave enough to make eye contact with him and see what he looked like. My apparently childhood best friend. It's still so odd I couldn't remember a thing about him or his family. The Maliks.

"Zayn, son, come sit down with us! I'm sure you remember Arishay, right? She was your best playmate when you two were younger, let me tell you, you two were inextricable", Yaser, the dad of the girls and Zayn said excitedly patting the seat between me and him motioning for Zayn to sit down there. Which he did after casually pulling out the chair a bit. His presence immediately was felt and his aftershave and cologne smelt.

I hope he didn't look in my direction right now because all he would see were two red cheeks and pressed together lips. I wasn't used to boys around me, not at all. And then all of a sudden the Maliks appear and I was their son's best friend?

"Zayn, don't be rude and introduce yourself", his dad commanded sternly. "She wont even look at me dad, how am I supposed to introduce myself", he reasoned with a small, nearly silent huff in the end.

"Rish", he addressed me now directly causing me to finally look in his direction to not appear rude or respect less.

There was no denying that he was handsome, which caused me to take in a short breath. I was sure he noticed my embarrassing reaction since I saw a little half-smile playing on the right corner of his lips. This face was either asking to be slapped right across the cheek with the back on the hand while wearing a huge, hurtful ring or kissed senseless.

"H-hi, you must be Zayn then?", I asked quickly trying to get over with this awkward situation. This evening surely did bring it's plot-twist named the Malik family with it.

"That I am. Haven't talked in such a long time, darling. Wonder what happened", he replied smoothly causing me to blush deeply at his nickname. If my parents found out about a boy calling me that amused would be the last thing they'd be. As he talked his strong scented cologne and aftershave, most probably hugo boss or some other frightfully expensive brand that I couldn't name, mixed with some other unwanted yet not particularly unpleasant smell in combination with named cologne and aftershave.


Yaser laughed besides me shaking his head in cheerfulness and mirth. The only thing missing was him wiping away some tears from the corner of his eyes but lucky he left that move out.

"Arishay, dear, do you remember? When you two were little kids, much younger than Safaa you felt so old and noble you started calling each other couple nicknames, most often darling. It was so funny, we have tons of videos of you two calling each other that!", he explained to me his eyes brightening up a bit. I must've been so shamelessly weird then.

"You and Zayn always played married couple and pretended to have kids, which actually were your baby born dolls and you always wanted sleep in the same bed. Of course we never allowed that and then one day you two started to play fight and it caused such a tearful drama you can't even imagine, Arisha", he continued narrating and by now I was sure my cheeks were tinted in an inhuman colour that wasn't even definable as a shade of red anymore.

"Rish is blushing!", Waliyah suddenly exclaimed pointing at my with her pointer finger causing everyone to break out in laughter what didn't exactly help my unfortunate situation of my cheek colour. Especially that certain deep chuckle a few inches next to me.

"Aw, look at how cute she's blushing! So adorable!", Doniyah exclaimed giving me a short side hug. She smelled amazing, too, like fresh flowers mixed with some sweet tropical scents. The different smells just added up each other perfectly creating the perfect mixture.

Yet again I heard that deep chuckle besides me making me very uncomfortable. I shuffled in my seat my sweaty hands kneading each others in a sort of attempt to calm myself from bursting. My mind wasn't ready for all that socializing at all.

Uncle Yaser rested his arms on his thights pushing himself to get up and go somewhere else catching up with some other relatives.

"Sorry girls, I'll have to leave you to it then. Enjoy your time", he said and left us going straight to my father giving him one of those strange man hugs. The ones where you literally just don't touch each other at all besides patting each others backs and hold the other arm so tight it might break in two.

"Well see each other then sometime, I suppose, darling", someone whispered in my ear leaving a warm shiver running down my spine. I just turned around quick enough to see this very person was Zayn. And that was when I knew I'd better stay away from him and his irritating ways.

It got downright ridiculously late and thankfully the party came to a slow end, people started bidding goodbye to each other due to the dark, tired circles drawing themselves under their eyes and their make up slowly loosing it's purpose.

"Girls! We have exciting news!", the girl's name, whose name I still had to learn, announced excitedly quickly walking up to us with my mum right next to her.

"We'll be staying over at Rishs' and her families' house tonight so we wont need to find a hotel!"

My lips formed a forced smile trying to show I was excited and happy but my insides screamed and protested. How should I be able to play someone I am not for such a long time?

Specifically with Zayn there, who found a strong liking in making me blush vulnerably and calling me 'darling' whenever he got the chance to.

Authors Note:

Hello you guys!

Not much to say about this other than if you are really uptight and literally closed up to other traditions and stuff then either stop reading or cintinue reading to cure yourself lol

Also the chapters here are only half as long as they are in 'Stormy' (my other fanfiction which you can check out on my profile or just search up 'stormy zjm' or smth)

Wish you a nice day everyone, byeee :)

Don't forget to vote, comment and share! Don't be a ghost reader!

love to all, bella x

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