os1 // first year anniversary

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"Darling, wake up."
Shifiting around in bed I eventually found myself laying on my husband of-
W a i t.

"Happy anniverary, darling," he murmured, gently stroking my recently neatly cut hair (it's still long, now it's more managable though) away from my face.

My eyes shot open, my body froze.
I had been waiting for this day to come since weeks now, had it all planned out. First I'd wake him up with delicious breakfast (which I of course did everday anyways, ha) then we'd go out, have a nice day at the park and cinema, grab some lunch somewhere (we'd probably end up eating Pizza Hut) and then we'd go by some lake and watch the sunset before returning home where I'd prepare him his favourite meal, chicken tikka masala with some white rice and vegetables aside along with some samosas and other side dishes. The samosas were important, though.

"Crap," I cursed. Well, if you counted that as cursing. Zayn always teased me about being too much of a good girl to say bad words. I'd always huff at that.

Zayn's chest shoke beneath me.

"What, that bad?" He joked, making me roll my eyes, finally sitting somewhat up so I could look up into his eyes.
Those e y e s.

It's been one year and I'm still not over this work of pure art. Yes, our kids should definitely have his eyes.

"I wanted to bring you breakfast to bed," I pouted at him, breathing some strand of hair of my face before Zayn caught it with his hand, gently pulling me closer by it.

"Well, good thing you didn't then."

I scrunched up my brows in the middle looking at him weirdly from such a close distance, making him laugh before pecking my nose.

"Let's go get ready for the day first and see what happens," he suggested, pushing both of us out of the way too comfortable cushions. I couldn't lie, I was kinda upset.

Twenty minutes later we found ourselves sitting in some small bakery eating cake and cupcakes.
That was the life I always aimed to live.

The day went by pretty smoothly and chilled. I had time to look back at our relationship, how it started and where we were now. It was like comparing a brick to a diamond.
When all of this started there weren't any emotions involved, besides maybe fear and annoyance from my side (not neccessarily fear of him but of the situation).
Now there definitely were emotions involved.
I loved him.
My husband, my love. I supported him no matter what and so did he.

"Darling, let's head back home, yeah?" He suggested after a while. Currently we were just walking down the streets of Bradford.

We all planned on moving to London soon, though. Zayn and his dad found a Job there and I got the opportunity to start working there as a secretary.

When we arrived home I noticed how Zayn got nervous. I could read him, he scratched the nape of his neck where his hair grew shorter every now and then and gulped a few times.

"You good, love?" I asked him slightly worried.

He looked at me with a slight smile dancing on his features. His eyes twinkled when he took my hand in his squeezing it slightly. It was his signature move, he always did that.

"Yeah, everything good," he assured me as he turned the key and pushed the door open with a strong push.

Immediately the scent of roses filled my senses along with the candles which lit the hallway in a dim, gentle light.

"Damn, I told her not to go overboard," he muttered suddeny awakening me from my moment of awe.

"W-what?" I stuttered, my hand still holding onto his.

"Look, darling, I know this was a stupid idea, I'm sorry," he apologized, angeling my head so I was looking at him, his bottom lip slightly pushed out causing him to look like the most adorable human to exist.

"Zayn," I started, taking his face in both of my hands, "I love it. Stop criticizing yourself."

His eyes widened slightly before excitment spread through him. He landed a small, cute peck on my lips before he started to lead me through the hallway to our living room.

My mouth fell agape. There, on our wooden dining table, laid a deliciously smelling dinner freshly cooked and served along with a few candles and rose petals spread in the middle of the table.

"Good thing we're hungry," I grinned as I took his hand again as we sat down and began eating our food.

Once we were done and put all our dirty dishes into the sink and I got ready to wash them, my husband suddenly turned me with his large hands on my waist.

"We can do that later," he mumbled before pressing soft butterfly kisses along my jawline slowly working his way up. I nearly had to giggle but stopped myself by biting my lip.

Of course he caught me and released my bottom lip by pulling on it with his thumb slightly before placing a sweet kiss on my now sensitive lips enhancing my senses. His hands were safely placed on the side of my neck and my lower back, where it slowly but surely moved downwards towards the little curve and past that one, too.

His hands started playing with the hem of my tight skirt and his open mouthed kisses moved to my neck where they left a little wet trail before he sofltly blew cold air on them.

After a while he placed his forehead on mine, his long eyelashes softly brushing my skin as he opened his eyes to look at me.

"Or we will just wash them tomorrow," he chuckled before briefly sweeping me off my feet carrying me to our bedroom bridal style.

And the love we both shared for each other was expressed in actions this night.

Hi everyone!

This is the first Zarisha One Shot requested by the lovely 1Ddreamer2002.

Hope you liked it!

Please request more one shots in the comments!

Love all of you, bella xxx

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