eight: Two Decisions & Paratha

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I had exactly 12 hours left to think about marrying someone who probably had anger issues and also was violent. For most of the other girl the decision would be clear: a straight no. But it was different with me. My parents had such trouble finding a man for me. If I’d reject him, then they’d be disappointed to no end and I could never look at them again. And making them happy was my number one priority.

So I should marry him then. But how should I?

He was annoying, selfish and violent! Not exactly what I expected my future husband to be like.

Maybe my expectations involving my future just were set too high. Maybe I should just accept my faith of marrying this guy and make the best of it. Maybe it would bring his positive aspects with it. 

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts and seconds later Doniya stepped through the door swell and closed the door behind her before coming to sit down next to me on the bed.

“You must be confused”, she started lightly.

“I am”, I answered truthfully with a short nod followed right after.

“Care to share your thoughts?”, she asked softly nudging me with her elbow.

So I explained her my trouble. How I didn’t want to disappoint my parents but also didn’t want to marry an aggressive man.

“You know what they say?”

I looked at her waiting for an answer.

“Behind every good man there’s a greater woman.”

What was that supposed to mean? 

As she saw my confusion, she explained.

“What I mean is, that I’m very aware of Zayn being troublesome and not easy to handle but after some wife and husband time you’ll eventually transform him to a better man. If there’s one person on this world able to do this and handle him it’s you. To be honest, I’m happy that our parents want you two to marry. I know you are the only right one for him”

I didn’t know if I was supposed to be flattered or just confused. But I knew that she spoke from the depth of her heart and that she meant everything she said because I was very sure that I saw one or two tears escaping her moist eyes rolling down her cheeks.

“I need to go talk to Zayn. You sleep now and make the right decision tomorrow. I know you will”, she said before she left my room supposedly making her way down to the living room where Zayn was staying.

And I literally fell into my bed, not even bothering to pull up the duvet. Falling into a deep slumber my last thoughts were Zayn’s deep brown eyes starring me down. I liked his eyes.


A soft knock on my room’s door woke me up the next morning at eight am. Rubbing out the sleep in my eyes I opened the door to see Zayn standing there all dressed up and ready to go. He obviously was sleepy and tired but I guess he was forced to wake up.

“They said I should wake you up so you could make your decision. I already made mine”, he informed me and just like that he pushed himself away from the doorframe and jogged down the hallway and stairs.

Zayn already made his decision. And now I was supposed to make mine. If I said yes now and Zayn said no it would be awkward for me and he would get the wrong image from me. And if we both said no, my parents would never forgive me. Dear god, help me, what was I supposed to do?

I refreshed myself with brushing my teeth aggressively and taking a boiling hot shower scrubbing off all the dirt so hard my skin turned all red. My hair needed a good brush and all this redness and irritations on my face caused by the cold weather needed a little coverage. Also my new Victoria’s Secret Body Spray came in good use now. Taking one last look into the mirror all I could think was: I’m so not ready.

Making my way downstairs I already smelled all the delicious traditional food and I could not wait to eat all of it before making any decision on this whole world.

When Mrs Malik spotted me she immediately walked over to me and gave me a huge hug.

“Rish! Look at you beautiful lady! Come take a seat. You don’t need to help in the kitchen today. There’s a free spot besides Zayn, we kept it free for you!”, she said overly excited as she dragged me besides my potential future husband.

Of course they kept me the seat next to him. 

They already treated me like a princess and I liked it. But it was so awkward. If I said no now they would be so mad.

“Rish, I put together your brunch! There are eggs and vegetables and paratha (Pakistani pancakes) and …”, I stopped listening when Zayn’s eyes found mine staring at him as I sat down on my free kept seat. 

“Don’t get used to it”, he whispered so only I would understand and all our parents did was gushing over how cute it was that he whispered to me. God.

I nodded and started eating from the plate Safaa put together for me. I ate it all in the matter of minute and everyone was to caught up in talking and chatting away and eating that no one noticed how nervous I really was. My decision was supposed to be made official in less than a minute.

“Arisha. We need your answer now. Will you come to your room with us?”, mum asked as the other girls cleaned up the living room.

My hands began sweating as I stood up trying not to touch Zayn and making my way over to them.

When we reached my room I stood there surrounded by Doniya, Mrs Malik and my mum. It was so incredibly awkward.

“So, Arisha, as you know, we asked you and your family to marry our son Zayn. He is making his decision with the men downstairs right now”, they told me and I started biting my lip and avoiding eye contact.

“We’ll make it quick, alright? We’ll count to three and on three you’ll say either yes, you agree or no, you don’t. Choose wisely”, they explained to me carefully and I listened and took in all the information.

“One…”, Doniya started.

Marry him!

“Two…”, Mrs Malik continued.

He’s no good for you. He’ll treat you badly!

“Three.”, my mum finished and when I looked into her eyes full of hope and glistening with tears I couldn’t disappoint her.

“Yes”, I whispered out and in the next second all I could take in was cheering and hugs and people being happy as they dragged me downstairs.

Authors Note:

Hi guys! Enjoy this chapter and leave your thought in the comments! Also vote and comment!


love you lots, bella x

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