ten: Car Drives & Sarees

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 Ten: Car Drives & Sarees

Never would I have ever guessed how hard it would be saying goodbye to my family. Let me tell you, a lot of tears were flowing. Even I shed a few tears without my permission. 

Now I was sitting in a car with my future family-in-law and Safaa was playing paper, scissors, stone with me. The Maliks owned a huge Jeep. Uncle and Aunt were sitting in the front, then in the middle there were Safaa, Doniya and me and behind us there were Waliyah and Zayn. I was feeling uncomfortable with him in my back but I’d rather have him there than right next to me. First Trisha insisted on making me and Zayn sit in the front but of course I couldn’t take the offer just out of respect.

I let Safaa win all the time even though I hated when people would let me win when I was a kid. But I couldn’t bear the disappointment in her innocent eyes. I quickly realized that it was in the Malik’s genes, the beautiful eyes. I hoped that Zayn and mine babies would get his eyes.

Wait what?

“Arishay, we’re nearly there. Get ready”, Uncle prepared me. Safaa was asleep now and so was Doniya. I didn’t dare to look behind me, too scared that we might make eye contact. Just wasn’t ready for that after my thoughts earlier.

Putting on my shoes, which were some simple trainers, I shifted my view out of the window. London really was busy. There were nice shops, thought. I found myself smiling in exhaustion after this long drive of four hours. I wasn’t used to long car drives because we barely ever went out of Bradford. Only once we made vacation in France because my brother had won a weekend in Paris with his family.

Only a few minutes later we stopped in front of a huge mansion. My eyes widened in shock. I didn’t know the Maliks owned this much money.

“There we are. Everyone get up and carry your bags to your room!”, Trisha ordered and everyone in the car woke up one by one. I unfastened my seatbelt and opened the door on my side of the car stepping out shakily. The fresh air felt so good.

I made my way back to get my black duffle bag. Uncle opened the car boot and before I could even reach inside to get my stuff someone appeared behind me and was quicker than me. Little did I know who appeared behind me all of a sudden.

“I can carry it on my own, thank you”, I declined the polite manner but he wouldn’t listen and already made his way to the golden gate of the mansion. Sighing heavily I let everyone get their stuff before we all went to the gate, too.

It was weird how Trisha and Yaser looked at me as if I was a lost puppy the whole time. I wanted them to think of me as a part of the family, I didn’t like to be treated as a guest. That’s so awkward.

“Arishay, dear, Zayn will show you your room. Zayn, take her bag up to the guest room. And also bring her a glass of water”, Trisha commanded her son. I felt like sighing in relief over the fact that I’d get my own room, because I sure as hell wasn’t ready to share a room with  Zayn yet. That would bring the awkwardness to the peak.

“No, no, I can get the water myself but thank you for the offer, I appreciate it, auntie” Smiling at them I turned to Zayn to take my hideous bag but he was already on the fancy marble staircase. Turning to Trisha and Yaser again I excused myself quickly before hurrying after Zayn. The girls already went to their rooms to rest.

Zayn led me down a long hallway which was full of pictures on the walls from the family, but also paintings. But before I got the time to take a closer look at them Zayn opened a door which I guess was the door to my room. Peaking into the room from behind him I spotted a king sized bed which had a luxurious gold and white bedding.

“This is your room. You have an en suite bathroom. If you need anything let us know”, Zayn said as he left the room just as quickly. 

We’ll get there someday.

As the sound of Zayn’s shoes down the hallway faded I slowly settled in. There was a he closet opposite of the bed which also had a long mirror in the middle part. On the wall next to it there was a nice wooden dresser which also had a mirror above it and on the wall opposite to that there was a door which I suppose led to my en suite bathroom. 

The bathroom contained a shower which was even with the floor and also a toilet and a sink of course. It was held in beige and white colours.

“Like the room?”, Zayn asked from my bedroom which made me do a 180 turn and hurry out of the bathroom.

He placed a full glass of cold water on my dresser and then looked at me from head to toe. I must have looked horrendous, I mean, who doesn’t after a four hour car drive. I decided to take a closer look at him, too. His hair was messy but it looked as if every strand of her was exactly where it belonged. He had changed into a black shirt and some grey jogging pants. 

“Do you need anything?”, he asked not very motivated.

“No, thank you. I’m alright”, I assured him with a slight nod. I thought he was going to leave the room now but he didn’t. Instead he sat down on the bed and looked around the room before resting his eyes on me again.

“Won’t you take a seat? You must be exhausted” Why would he care? A day ago he cornered me in my room and slammed his fist into my wall so close to my face I felt the air from his harsh movement.

“I’m alright”, I said while crossing my arms in front of my chest. 

Zayn sighed heavily. I had no idea why thought. Did I do something wrong again? I hope I didn’t.

“Right, I’ll leave you to rest. Mum said she wanted to go shopping with you tomorrow to get some saree for the Nikah. Maybe Doniya will join you two”, he informed me while he was on the swell of the door.

Wait, tomorrow already. When would the Nikah be? 

“Zayn!” He turned around to face me.


“When will the Nikah be?”, I asked him apprehensively. I wasn’t ready, I wasn’t ready, I wasn’t ready.

“I don’t know. In a few weeks with the closest family I believe. Not sure tho”, he shrugged. 

In a few weeks? Like, in less than a month? And no one bothered to tell me? How should I prepare until then?

I wasn’t ready.

“Chill, it’s just closest family as I said. And some friends of mine probably. But no one else. It’s supposed to happen sooner or later so rather have it sooner, right?”, he chuckled lightly. How could he handle the situation so well when I was nearly freaking out?

When he was on his way to leave I called for him once again.

“Zayn! Which colour saree would you prefer?”, I asked while looking to the ground.

I wanted him to have a say in that. He at least should like what I would pick tomorrow.

He laughed which made me even more embarrassed than I already was.

“I quite like red on you”, he answered with a little laugh before leaving the room for good.


Hello hello everyone.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Dedicated to my sister which is called masheduppotato lol awards for that name please.

Tell me what you think in the comments and vote and share and everything.

Love you all and wish you all a happy new year!


love, Bella x

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