nine: Wardrobe Invasion & Couple Stuff

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Nine: Wardrobe Invasion & Couple Stuff

I said yes. I agreed on marrying Zayn Malik. But did he say yes, too? On the one hand I wish he did because it would be so awkward and I would be so ashamed. I wouldn’t want him to think I liked him or anything. But on the other hand it was my last chance to get out of something I only did for my parents. If he’d say no, it wouldn’t be my fault and my parents had no right to be mad at me or even disappointed.

The walk down the stairs to the men was at least twice as long for me than it actually was due to my nervousness and anxiety towards events happening in the future. This little wish of my parents turned my whole life upside down in the matter of mere hours.

Hearing cheering and laughing and screaming and even a bit of crying the next thing I felt was a little girl’s arms hugging me and as I looked down to see who it was my eyes met Safaa’s, her beautiful blue eyes full of excitement and joy. 

“You are going to marry my brother!”, she squealed and hugged me even tighter and I didn’t know whether I should hug her back and share her excitement or just faint right away. 

He said yes.

Zayn said yes.

Why did he say yes?

When everyone somewhat calmed down I just heard the silent sniffs coming from my mum’s throat and I had the strong urge to hug her, which didn’t happen very often, but I couldn’t.

I was dragged to the coach by Mrs Malik’s hand and soon I found myself there sitting right next to Zayn. I couldn’t look at him. He now also knew that I said yes, too. I bet he had the same questions in his head as I did. Or he just was so full of himself as always and thought I’d say yes anyways since ‘no one would be able to resist him’.

“Smile for the camera!”, my brother shouted and in the second I looked up to him the flash light blinded my eyes. I bet this would be such a beautiful picture.

“Aw, look how shy they are”, Doniya cooed and my cheeks turned soft pink at her assumption. Hearing Zayn’s chuckles from besides me didn’t help either.

Safaa and Waliya poured some candies over our head and shoulders. Some traditional thing again. It symbolizes that our relationship may be as sweet as all this candies. Weird but cute and I liked the tradition.

I heard them already making plans for the nikkah and the wedding while I just sat there to take this all in. Whether to be happy. Or sad. Or both.

“Zayn and you should go out together tonight. Of course with some company”, my mum suggested. By now she calmed down a bit and her motherly side returned.

It wasn’t allowed for the couple to meet alone before the Muslim wedding, the nikkah. After that you were like a married couple. But our families liked to make a nikkah, then engagement party, then henna night which just consists of having a good time and dancing a lot like bollywood stuff and making henna of course and right after henna night the huge wedding comes.

Actually all the parties after the nikkah were unnecessary but we just liked to make a huge deal out of it and have lots of parties.

I looked around the living room and took in the whole scene. Happy people everywhere, talking and laughing and having fun. And me sitting there, even a bit scared and frightened of what this marriage might bring.

I’m getting married.

As in I’ll be bound next to another man for the rest of my life, I’ll have to take more responsibilities and people will expect kids from me.

Pregnancy, kids, babies.

Love, cuddles, kisses.

All that couple stuff. It was so near and I was oblivious to it. I was almost scared of the intimacy I was soon having to share with this man sitting next to me right now.

“Rish, it’s either you come with us or Zayn stays here, you decide”, Mrs Malik asked me looking at me with a lot of expectations in her eyes. She wanted me to come with her, I noticed the way she and all his sisters looked at me.

Next I looked over to my parents but they didn’t seem to mind much. All they really cared about was how I finally found a husband and how the wedding should be held et cetera. 

“I guess I’ll go with you”, I shrugged followed by a short smile and the girls and Mrs Malik all seemed very happy with that being cleared out.

“Go pack your things then, we’ll leave rather soon”, Zayn murmured before he raised and went upstairs to get his things and I copied his actions.

Making my way upstairs I looked back down to all the people in our living room being happy and chatting away. I should be happy, too. But I wasn’t.

I stepped into my room and almost got a heart attack when I saw Zayn standing there in the corner next to my desk.

“What are you doing here?”, I questioned him trying to stay neutral.

“Is that a thing to ask your future husband? Your room is mine and my room is yours” Very poetic there, Zayn. But my heart still skipped a beat at the words “future husband”.

When he sensed that I wasn’t going to say anything and pulled out my huge duffle bag from under the bed he started picking up the conversation again, his voice a lot deeper and more calming now.

“Let me pick your clothes”, he requested from me, making me turn to him and look at him rather confused. I had a bad feeling with this.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea”, I told him but he already started roaming through my wardrobe as if it was the most natural thing ever. Most clothes he found didn’t seem to please his idea of what I was going to wear. I just sat there in complete shock. The closet is one of the most private things for a girl. How dare he?

“Could you stop looking through my clothes? It’s making me uncomfortable”, I required, trying to stay polite. Wouldn’t want nor need aggressive Zayn right now.

He shrugged, saying “Whatever. There isn’t anything nice in here anyways. I need to send Doniya shopping for you” With that he went out of the room, not before telling me to be ready in 10 minutes.


Guys, hi.

Sorry for the long wait had a busy time with school and all.

Anyways how do you like it?

And also omg omg the album and omg omg the livestream I just

Comment with your favourite songs from the album mine changes every few seconds like idk but I really really love Stockholm Syndrome and Fool's Gold but also I love Night Changes and 18???? And all the other songs are so perfet too like jdsinksaxdjslcxsa

SO anyways I need time with my updates, I know and I'm really sorry

Hopefully see you soon inshAlllah my dears love you all x

Bella x

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