twentyone: Emotional Dancing & New Flat

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Twentyone: Emotional Dancing & New Flat

The rest of the drive remained in silence. I didn't know if it was smart to believe him or not but behind his voice there was a certainty I didn't expect from him. And even though there was a verbal barrier between us, our hands somehow had a mind of their own and strongly held onto each other.

We had the drivers eyes on us most of the times who looked at us weirdly through the little mirror in the car. Suddenly he pressed a button and music started playing. Some ballade just to my (our?) luck.

Luckily we arrived soon enough, escaping the tense atmosphere in the huge car and the weird driver. The hall was nicely decorated from the outside now, too and looked very different in the sunset compared to the bright daytime sun. Our door was opened for us. Zayn was the first one to step out and then held out his hand for me to take it so I wouldn't stumble on my way out. I gladly took it, still avoiding eye contact though.

People around us clapped again and I started feeling uncomfortable once more. Couldn't they just hold their claps until the actual Nikah was over and done?

Our parents led us into the actual hall. My mum and Trisha looked stunning and so did my dad and Yaser. All four of them were very emotional already. Quickly I risked a quick look at Zayn who looked sideways to his beautiful sisters who gave him and then also me huge thumbs ups of encouragements which we replied to with a smile. Doniya had tears in her eyes and I wanted to hug her and tell her to be happy and to dance all night. Not that I had any doubt that she wouldn't do so anyways.

On the other side stood my brothers which looked at me with proud eyes and made me laugh at how unusual they acted around me.

"Quick, quick beta, the guests are waiting," Yaser rushed us and we hurried up a bit. The traditional wedding song started playing and we walked in slowly with our hands and fingers intertwined and locked into each other.

The hall looked much more intimidating with all the people inside who looked at us and started clapping. Some even filmed us with their phones and others just watched us with obvious jealousy which I couldn't quite understand.

Our seats came into view and soon enough Zayn I were able to stand on our place while all our family danced to the singer who stood on a little stage. Everyone seemed happy and lucky and suddenly so did I.

My grandma came up to me and Zayn and I kissed her hand. Zayn copied my actions and I saw in my grandmas eyes she already loved him. Next up was my grandpa and then Zayn's grandparents.

You could say all in one it was a nice evening so far. Seeing my family happy was the most important thing to me and all I ever wanted when I agreed to this marriage. And now I somehow got what I wanted.

All too soon my mum spoke up.

"It's time for the groom and bride to give us a little dance act now!" she announced excitedly and I felt like I was being slapped. All throughout this process never had I ever thought about a dance with Zayn. In front of people at that.

Zayn and I looked at each other and his eyes gave away that he was as surprised as I was.

"What are you waiting for then?" Doniya suddenly spoke up besides us and ushered us to the huge, wooden dance floor.

"Let's do this," Zayn sighed as he took my hand and brought us right to the centre. Where everyone without a doubt could see us. Watch every little move we made.

The singer started playing a slow song and Zayns hand remained holding mine tightly. His other hand found the curve of my waist so that my hand had no other option but to go up to his shoulder.

"I have absolutely no experience in this, Zayn," I whispered in a low tone but he just replied with a shrug and said "Neither do I." So we pretty much were in this together, the only difference being that Zayn looked much more confident which also made him look like dancing was his only profession ever. And for his first time he was pretty good.

I just let myself being led from him and in some way it worked. Just now I realised how close we actually were and how different his was from all the other times he ever was that close to me. There was no negative tension between us but some kind of mutual bonding, some feeling we both needed at the moment.

And just like that the dance was over, the time literally flew by without me even noticing. People clapped again and I felt like shouting "Stop!" but everyone knew I never would or could.

Next up the actual Nikah part came, where the Mulah made our marriage official. That's the part where the most tears flooded, including mine. Zayn and I were separated at that part, because men and women were separated during that process. It felt so much like the day the Maliks proposed for my hand in marriage, the cheering and clapping when the men came out of their room with Zayn only rounded it all up.

Both Zayn and I had said yes and were now married and I started crying even more. Not out of sadness but because I was overwhelmed with the whole situation. People tried to cheer me up but surprisingly the only thing that calmed me a bit was when Zayn came up and hugged me whispering words of assurance and sweetness into my ear. Luckily the make up artists made sure to use waterproof make up.

The whole hall cheered and I started laughing and smiling. More and more people started congratulating each other, telling me and Zayn their best wishes, gave us gifts and some even cried with me, people that I didn't even know.

The whole party was consumed of happiness and dancing and cake and food and everything nice a party should have.

It was 3 am when the hall cleared up and only close family was left. Safaa was in a deep slumber laid out on some chairs which were rowed up next to each other, Yaser and my dad collected all the gifts and brought them to their cars to bring them home and my brothers and Zayn's sisters stood somewhere by a table talking and laughing.

"So that was eventful," Zayn suddenly spoke up besides me. I looked up at him laughing a bit while nodding in agreement.

"Rish, Zayn, we're heading home!" Trisha announced when she headed out the door. Suddenly we were the only two left in this building.

"Shouldn't we hurry up?" I asked him and he looked me and smirked.

"You didn't think we would be driving home with them right?"

I was in awe. Where the hell should we go then? Sleep on the street? And who should drive us anywhere? I didn't even bring other clothes with me!

"Come on, our driver is waiting."

"Zayn? I, uhm, kinda didn't bring any clothes? Where are we even going?"

He just laughed.

"Don't worry, your mum and my sisters packed everything for you. My dad has a flat somewhere close by which they prepared for us, but hurry up now!"

And so we ran to the limousine which truly was waiting for us outside. We hopped in and Zayn gave him the address.

"Zayn, I didn't know we would stay in a flat tonight, oh my god" Yes, I did kinda freak out at the moment, because why did no one think it was important to tell me I would be moving in with Zayn tonight?

That also meant we would be sharing a bed. Which isn't new but yet so much different because now we were kinda married which changed a lot.

"Stay calm, darling, nothing will happen. Nothing that you don't agree with at least."

authors note:

hii everyone!

Hmm, what will happen...

Stay tuned for the next ( and possibly last) chapter which I hope will follow soon.

Love every single one of you!

All the love, bella x

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