four: Annoyance

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Four: Annoyance

Waking up the next morning was horror for me since I couldn't exactly make it to the bathroom last night when I needed it so I had to do a marathon run there this morning. I was up earlier that everyone else luckily so they wouldn't see me in this desperate state.

When I was finished I refreshed myself, trying to look the least bit decent. Usually looking decent never worked for me and today my face was a bit obstinate also. But in the end I managed to not look like a zombie and dragged myself to the room to wear some comfortable clothes. 

I decided on some traditional clothes in pastel colours and pulled my hair up in a ponytail again because with my hair being out of the face it was much easier to do house work, especially cooking.

By the time I was finished my whole family and the Maliks were sitting in the living room already apportioned on coaches, mattresses and the floor having a glass of chai, Asian tea.

The first thing I really noticed thought were my two elder brothers that I got to see so rarely since they were married. My eyes immediately lit up at their sight.

My brothers and I never had a good relationship, we didn't hate each other or anything, we just didn't act like brother and sister do. We knew we loved each other we just never let it show.

"Arishay! Good morning, dear, come sit with us and have a cup of chai! There's a free spot where your brothers sit", Trisha Malik greeted me with that friendly and lovely smile making me feel welcome in my own house. I nodded smiling back kindly and went to sit down with my brothers.

"Hey", I nodded at them, not in the mood to show excessive feelings. They just nodded back patting my back and one even had the nerve to ruffle through my hair completely messing up my hair.

He always did this. It was some sort of insider, what many people would call it. A thing between only the two of us. It was the oldest brother, 25 years old. His name was Jamal and he also was the first one to get married. His wife had to stay at home because their child of five months was ill, a little beautiful girl.

While fixing my now messed up ponytail the one person I wanted to see least this nice morning came into I thought to myself. Sitting there all mighty typing away on his phone.

'Probably with his girlfriend' I thought to myself. Boys were allowed to have girlfriends and do whatever they wanted to do and it was unfair honestly. Not that I could change anything about that.

 After sitting there quietly for about ten minutes Zayn himself came up to us sitting down next to me. I felt the strong urge to stand up and sit down ten miles away from him but obviously it would have made everything awkward and I didn't want his and my family to think anything wrong of the situation.

"Hey mates", Zayn said giving each of them one of those boy hugs. Not awkward man hugs, boy hugs. The one where you join your shoulders. I didn't now which of them was weirder. I wasn't a fan of hugs in general.

They acted like old best friends, but then again they probably were if I used to be friends with Zayn.

"Arisha, go prepare a brunch for us. Do you have any special wishes?", my mum ordered. Standing up was the hardest thing ever with Zayn so incredibly close to me. What must our family be thinking! He's so stupid, literally.

The Maliks didn't have any special wishes besides Zayn, but that didn't surprise anyone.

"I'd like some milk-tea but with fours tea spoons of sugar please", he requested with such an ease. You could read the satisfaction he received from my annoyance in his twinkling eyes.

"No problem", I nearly spat earning a warning glance from my father. Watch me putting only three tea spoons of sugar in there.

In the kitchen I let out a huge sigh releasing all the stress and annoyance that I could never solve in front of other people. Taking out the pan to prepare some sunny side up eggs I nearly let it drop when Doniya appeared behind me with a smile playing across her soft features.

"I'll help you", she offered, taking out the eggs from the fridge and some oil from the cabinet.

"Thank you, Doniya, but you don't have to", I rejected taken aback by her kind actions.

"Yes I do now shut up before I throw this egg on your hair", she threatened with a laugh at the end causing me to crack up a bit, also.

We started preparing the brunch together, quietly most of the time. I could work the best when it was quiet. Or with music but obviously I couldn't blast my music with the guests sitting next door.

"So you and Zayn", she started with a weird smile forming on her face.

"What me and Zayn?", I asked back unknowingly. What could she possibly mean? That he annoyed me to no end and that I felt so much hatred towards him that throwing him out of the window seemed as the best opportunity to get rid of him and his rude self?

"Have you two caught up on prior times yet?", she asked sounding all innocent now.

"Now we haven't really. Except if hating him to an unbelievable level counts as catching up on prior times", I answered sarcastically making her throw her head back in laughter.

"No it doesn't but it's definitely a progress. You and Zayn would always play fight when you were younger. But tell me, what made you hate him so much?", she wanted to know curiously-

Should I tell her about last nights events or should I keep it to myself and forget it as soon as the Maliks were out of here. Don't get me wrong, the family was absolutely adorable and nice just he wasn't.

But before I could depend further Zayn himself knocked on the door frame to let us take note of his appearance.

"Sorry to interrupt you girls and your girls talk but I wanted to let you know that you better hurry up with that lunch because afterwards we three will be going out somewhere. Parents thought it would be such a great idea to let us three catch up", he rolled his eyes before winking at me and then leaving as quickly as he appeared.

Doniyas' eyes lit up while mine widened in horror.

How was I supposed to survive this day?

authors note:

Hi guys, hi

So this is chapter four of sugar coat and honestly I'm not very happy with my writing style in this story, but I'm not going to just stop writing it because I kind of like the plot itself.

Just so you now this story will be short means it's a short story. The chapters are also incredibly short as you might have noticed. 

Anyways thanks to whoever reads this you are all amazing people.

Who has nice nicknames for Arisha besides Rish and Arishay???

Let me know in the comments and also vote and share for encoragement!

love you lots, bella x

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