chapter nineteen: Prepping Up & Family

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Nineteen: Prepping Up & Family

I slept surprisingly well that night. After Mia told me her point of view I calmed down a bit, but still I knew Zayn had a thing for her. Maybe even a still on-going teenage crush which would never be returned.

But nothing of that mattered at all at the moment. Today. Today was the day I'd get married. Today was the day I'd see my family. Today was the day I wasn't really ready for, the day I'd agree to a marriage that clearly wasn't meant to happen, the day I knew would lead into a terrible future, the day I'd loose myself completely, give myself to another man, a man I knew nothing about, the man from whom I knew didn't and wouldn't ever love me.

"Arisha, dear, come downstairs!" Trisha called from downstairs. I quickly went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before putting on some normal clothes and walking downstairs to join the Maliks - who I soon would be part of .

"Good morning, dear," Trisha greeted me alongside with a warm, welcome hug and led me to the dining table. Everyone was seated already, sipping on their milk or munching on some parathas.

Mina and Zayn were separated by several seats between them, not even looking at each other. I felt a small spark of satisfaction enlightening in the pit of my stomach and a small smile creeping up on my face, which surprised me to be honest.

Of course there was only one seat left - next to Zayn. So I went and sat down there. I greeted everyone with a friendly good morning and began filling my plate with some treats. Much to my pleasant surprise, Zayn grabbed the can of milk-tea and purred my cup up before adding two tablespoons of sugar, just how I loved it. It was crazy to think about, that Zayn had noticed and remembered my milk-tea habits over the time I have been here. I never thought he was paying attention.

"Thank you," I acknowledged him and mustered out a small smile. His features however remained calm and still, only replying with a "Anything for you, darling". Which, by the way made me feel like I was still caught in my dream deeply asleep in my room.

"Rish, your parents will arrive in a few hours. The girls and I will clean the house, you go and get ready for the henna artist, the hair stylist and the make up artist. They will arrive in an hour to get you all prepped up. Not that you need to, since you're a natural beauty," Trisha informed me while I nodded and smiled.

I couldn't wait for my parents and brothers to arrive here. The amount of how much I was missing them completely flew by me with all the stress I endured in the last couple of weeks. Also I was extremely excited to see my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins today at the ceremony. I remember, when I was younger, my cousins and I would always debate who was going to get married first and I always came last because of how I never talked and was way too shy. And now look at the disaster.

Soon the table was cleared up, the girls got ready for cleaning up and I went to my room to take a shower and get freshened up. I applied extra fancy strawberry vanilla shampoo, rich thickening and softening anti-frizz conditioner and shimmering shower body gel with a luxurious fresh scent. Afterwards I put on the matching body lotion and was all ready for the henna, hair and make up artists which arrived soon after.

The three girls were all a bit older than me and very nice, asking about what I had thought about how I wanted to look like. And it all turned out to look beautiful. The henna artist performed a great job and made me find my fiancés initials hidden and woven into the dark brown motives. It took me a good five minutes to find them on the inside of my left under arm, placed directly on the most prominent vein surrounded by elegant motives.

My hair was done in a half up-do with little sparkly details and curls. Make up was held decently natural compared to how brides usually looked in our culture. A soft smoky eye with dark red lips and contour. I was pleasantly surprised by how I looked. Thanking and paying the three girls with the money that was placed in my bedside table by either Yaser or Trisha, they went out of the house and after wishing me good luck and fun for tonight.

I wondered what Zayn was doing. Probably getting ready himself. Saying I wasn't excited about how much effort he would be putting into his appearance tonight or nervous about how he was feeling at the moment would be a lie. Because I desired nothing more than knowing about that at the moment.

A second later Doniya knocked on my door.

"Rish, someone who I feel like you'd really want to see right now just arrived. And you look amazing, dear, oh my god. My brother will be so happy," she exclaimed with a little squeak before taking my hand and hurrying me out of the door.

"Wait, what if Zayn sees me?" I asked her in shock to which she only laughed lightly.

"Don't worry, he's out at a cousin's place right now. Your dad and brothers will be driven there, too," she informed me without stopping dragging me down. The only thing left to do was putting on my saree and at that moment when she rushed me down the marble stairs I was happy I hadn't done that yet because I sure would've fallen down and hurt myself, then I'd have to drive to the hospital and the whole thing would be blown off. No Nikah, no engagement, no wedding, no future.

"Arishay!" I suddenly heard a group of girls squeal and the next moment I spotted my three cousins Diana, Liah and Nadja. They all looked beautiful and so excited for me. And so much more mature than the last time I met them. The girls were all dressed up and ready for the ceremony already.

Finally, behind all of those girls, I saw the most important female person in my life. My beautiful and amazing mum. The woman I had missed the most during the past few weeks. I wished she could've been by my side all this time, supporting me through all of this mess.

Immediately I ran to hug her deeply, a hug which she at first only hesitantly returned before she went all out and pushed me to her tightly. I had always been a bit taller than her so she was the one who buried her head in my shoulder and I put mine on the top of her head.

"Salaam," I said with a low voice before I tangled myself free from the hug to smile at her shortly before I noticed little tears in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away, though, to not ruin her already done make up. Next I went to hug my cousins - who luckily weren't crying - and complemented their make up and outfits which they truthfully returned.

Trisha smiled at us with sad eyes, as if she felt bad for ripping me out of this family, which she seriously didn't have to because a) it wasn't her fault and b) I couldn't ask for any better mother in law. She had grown to me deeply.

Quickly I went over to her to give her a big hug. After that it was Doniya's, Waliyha's and Safaa's turn. These girls were my family now and I loved it. I loved them and I loved how they loved me.

"So... who's ready for a Nikah?"


Hii guys!

So it has been a long time and it's nearly the last chapter like only one chapter left I'm sad.

But do not worry.

A sequel will happen.

Sometime soon I hope. After i finshed this ofc.

What do you think Zayn feels right now? Happy? Excited? Sad?

Vote, comment, share... Pls

Love you all,
Bella x

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