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𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

3 weeks later...

It's been a week since Lucas mother and step father died and he seems not to care...

I stand in Luca's office near the door as we've just finished talking about how the week has to go. He stands right in front of me and I'm kind of irritated about how controlling he is.

"You can not keep letting your emotions show like this." He states.

"There are no emotions."

"Towards me?" He grins.

"What..." I lose my breathe a little.

"See....look how off guard you get."

"You do the same with training. You get mad and fight with anger. Stop fueling your anger through your fighting. Or Da Vinci will continue to push you to your limits."

"Watch how you approach me or anyone. Or you're going to get yourself killed." He states placing his hand on my hip.

"So your kill me?"

"If I needed to. Yes." He threatens.

"You're a girl whose going to rule thousands and be apparent to the world. Everyone already doubts you. So when you go on pussy fights it makes you look bad. And it'll make me look weak. A guy who can't control his own fiancé."

"So learn to control yourself no matter what. Because I'm not going to play your games." He makes clear.

"You have to treat me as your equal then. You can't just control me in every way. I'm not some princess to keep locked up." I laugh and he's not laughing.

"I will respect you...the day you show me you can really scare me and intimidate me. The day you have the power to raise your voice and tell me off. But clearly the day isn't close. So for now...you're under me. Or do you need to see the contract again amor."

I feel sick.

"It's Odina. And we both know that I have much..more power then you. Just because you're a man. Makes you nothing close to a man. So I suggest...that you treat me the same way you would treat the sluts you sleep with every night." I place my hand over his and remove it off my hip.

He just stares at me.

"I will cut your head off. As soon as you're eighteen. You'll be exactly like those sluts. Treated badly in bed...and I'll make you want to run away... I suggest you keep your head high. But watch out for the snakes below because they fucking bite." His hand is wrapped around my throat tightly threatening me before letting me go.

He then opens the door for me. I just walk out. My blood is boiling.

I will control my emotions. And I will be completely blanked in space...just like him.

4 months later...

There's this ball of somewhat today. Things have been calm? Luca is always busy. All the time.

We speak maybe twice a week? He doesn't tell me anything other then me having to go to places with him.

My dress wasn't too much.

They said I can actually pick the color so I'm going with a light blue. But it's silk so it's more elegant I guess?

Some people have concerns about me being with Luca but I don't really listen to all that.

My father doesn't speak to me anymore and I think he's happy not having me around. Antonio is on the phone with me a lot of the time and Luca tells me I need to stop acting like a little kid.

Yet he forgets that I only speak to one person and it's Antonio. Marianna checks up but she has a son and a very clingy husband so I don't expect too much all the time.

The dress hugged my body till the very end and covered my feet too. I wish I could get it a little more tailored but it's fine. It was off the shoulder and I decided to just leave my wavy hair down. I cut it because it was too much.

It comes to just the beginning of my back now. Right over my shoulders and it's easier to handle since it's always frizzy or messy. It's tiring having to get ready...everyday. Always have to wake up at a specific time to go train with them. They had there weaponry and training thing outside. It was huge though and I enjoyed it.

I didn't enjoy the fighting part.

Having to fight Da vinci everyday and I always landed on my ass. He never broke a sweat. He was so strong. So It terrified Luca for me. I'm a good fighter. I've trained so long but when Da Vinci had me down in seconds it caught me so off guard.

I trained with my dad and I was able to take him. But these people are something different.

They make me fight with swords and knives too. They drug me till I'm able to handle any drug. They want my immune system and blood to be strong but Once I was out to sleep for three days.

Luca once said I got too much of an attitude when all I asked was if I could have something different to eat.

Instead he made me train with him....all day and I could barely walk to the point he just carried me back to my room.

My makeup isn't too much and to top it off is the stupid mask.

A mascarade ball.

The dumbest thing ever. I didn't think we would have to wear actual masks. My mask was the same blue as my dress with black lace details over it.

We would hold balls about three times a year at our place. There would always be one huge one with all the mafia's at the headquarters for the American Mafia's. Probably one of the biggest and feared mobs there are. You will always want to be on their good side. They're calm but I heard they are extreme.

They keep people kidnapped for years.

I fix the straps of my heels before exiting my room. I turn my head to the left to hear moaning. It hurts sometimes but I can't do anything about it. He's the one whose allowed to have pleasure in the relationship. I personally think it's better to keep my distance from him. I find myself getting nervous or out of breathe when he is near me. I have no feelings but he is so intimidating.

A girl walks out and its the same red head. Her eyes meat mine and I watch as she wipes the corner of her mouth with her thumb letting me know.

I think they have something between them, but I won't overstep. I just don't really want to be married to a man who will have his heart to another women the entire time.

She's beyond beautiful and I would see why he always goes to her. I look away and put my mask on before walking down the stairs.

When I get outside I see a limo and Da Vinci holding his hand out for me. I smile as he helps me in. He likes me, he will just never admit.

I sit myself down in the car and cross my legs as Da Vinci closes the door.

He knocks at the window for me to open and I do that. He sticks his head in and I can't help but giggle a little.

"Me and Luca will be there soon. Don't dance with any man got it. If they touch you. Leave and come back home."

This is not my home.

"Luca is busy with company." I whisper and Da Vinci just stares at me.

"She will be gone sooner then later. But right now what he does doesn't concern you." He states clearly and I nod.

"I think you'll be able to find us." He puts his mask down and I laugh nodding.

He says something to the driver before stepping back. He leaves as soon as the car starts.

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