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author note(backstory) : I will just explain there relationship here kind of. Isabella will show so many characteristics of Da Vinci and her bloodline. She is very smart like Davina her half sister. She knows who to let in and who not too. She truly really only cares for two people which is da Vinci and nicolo. Her and nicolo will always be together. There relationship will be healthy yet they will only face complications because of how they really aren't supposed to be together.

Nicolo was an orphan like davina and had no family. He is beyond loyal to Isabella and very possessive. He will take actual bullets for her and as soon as they loose there virginities to each other. He would still be fourteen since he's about a year younger and it'll be the day of her fifteen. Yes there young but they're more mature for there age. He will get her name tatted on his neck in bold so everyone sees. They both don't really have parents so you will see how they protect each other's hearts and Da Vinci will be their councilor. Yet Isabella is scared that she ends up like her mother. I can't fit there entire life story into a couple more chapters so I'll try being as consise as possible.
Also please read the author notes if you don't you'll probably be beyond confused.

𝑫𝒂 𝑽𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒊 𝒑𝒐𝒗

November 14, 2035

Isabella's 15th birthday


"Don't cry." I whisper holding Isabella in my arms. I know I always wanted kids and I don't think I'll really have them now. I know everything is on me. Raise Marianno and Odina's daughter to become leader of a new Italian mafia. A new era...

That night would be the last night I'd truly Speke to her. She told me to leave and never look back. She said she was carrying mariannas kid. And she was. Confident she wouldn't have a miscarriage.

She told me everything to do with this girl. She'd be powerful. Santis, Dante and Ariette all in one.

So was davina. Davina was more like Luca then anyone could see.

And now it's up to me raise and train her. Odina trusted me enough to put her before myself and that's what I'll do.

No one saw this coming. And for the first time we were ahead of Luca. He's dead. So is she. She only died with him because she knew in order for there to be a complete new order she has to go. She was connected to him and her being alive would still cause problems. Even me being here.

"I just wish they were here. I'm just forced to do all this in order to not make there name bad. She killed all those people including herself for me Da Vinci." She's panicking.

"She doesn't want you to stress. Learn to control your emotions. Okay?" I state placing my hands on her face.

She got her dads eyes in away. Hers are grey..but the rims are somewhat brown?

Her hair is a dark brown and her face is just like her mothers though. She's already getting the height though.

Nicolo just knocks and walks into the room.

He's in love with her.

Anyone is stupid to not see it. But she's pushing him away. They act like I wasn't in there position once. He loves her more then he would love anyone else. It's too strong and he's only fourteen. They do everything together.

I just leave her and walk up to him.

"Don't. Touch." I threaten and he knows better then to go there with her. Only so long before he can't keep his dick to himself.

𝑰𝒔𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

Nicolo approaches me and he puts a small box in between us.

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