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author note: It's hot in this one

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

January 8th

Luca turns twenty one. Amazing. His birthday is before mine so it would make him seem so much older.

Now he can drink. But he's been drinking since he was fifteen I heard him say. Christmas was calm. I'm surprised I got gifts.

The bar is kind of full and I wish I wasn't here when he told me specifically not to drink. There are strippers that are intimidating me and I just hope he doesn't go upstairs into a private room with one of them.

My dress wasn't too much. Just a mini black dress with strapped heels. I just sit on the stool at the bar wanting to order something but I can't.

Luca is drowning down drinks and actually celebrating his twenty first. He seems happy but it's only for the night.

"Princess." I feel a cold breathe against my neck and I turn my head to the side to see Luca. He looked good but smelled like cologne and liquor.

I turn myself around on the stool as he stands in between my legs.

"Can I get a drink...please?" I whisper and he just stares at me.

I smile as he orders a large bottle of champagne. Wow.

"Let's go." He whispers into my ear. I get up from the stool bar and fix my dress a little.

He makes me stand in front of him and his arms are around my hips as he guides me through the crowd upstairs.

I don't know why he would pick a bar that's not his. He owns many and I've only been to two of them though.

I open the private room and see a pole. Marianna kind of taught me how to strip but no one needs to know that. I was fourteen and she was a horrible older cousin.

My left hands holds his write hand as he walks behind me.

I put the champagne bottle down and watch as he sits down on the expensive sofa.

"You can work a pole princess?" He whispers and I nod once. He doesn't even say no.

𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

She should not know how to work a pole this young but I'm drunk. I haven't drank too much and I'd need much more to be completely out of it.

She was so elegant on it. I just watch as she swirls around it and is able to do almost everything these strippers do.

Her skin is glowing in the purple light and she looks so fucking good. She's just smiling so innocently as her legs hooks around the pole and moves her whole body around.

I just watch and I know she can feel my eyes blazing into her. She finally stops before smiling while pulling down her dress.

She walks over to me and I'm a little taken back as she straddle my lap. I place my hand on the middle of her back as I pop open the champagne and pour it into both the glasses. She takes hers and the smile on her face drinking it is hilarious.

How out of it am I?

I need to keep my composure. This is more then a case. I can't find myself getting drunk. I don't need my head being foggy and saying fuck it. I can persue her..yet.

We just down drinks and have light conversations. I can't deal with any of her deep thoughts right now or I'll immediately end whatever this is.

I know my guys are getting drunk and just fucking these strippers. I knew better then to walk away with another women when I have a fiancé in the same bar. It would make me look bad.

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