chapter 1

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"Pony we're gonna be late!" I quietly yelled to him as I finished tying my shoe. I wasn't wrong, if he didn't hurry up his ass we would be late.

"I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying!" He whispered back as he pulled up his jeans buttoning them. His hair was still all messy, and his cut sweatshirt was full of wrinkles, but then again I didn't look much better. My sweats said it all.

He started putting on his shoes when the floor made a creak, a loud creak. I eyed him to shut him up as he shrugged his shoulders to apologize.

"I try to sneak you out once Pony and all you do is make noise, you're gonna get me caught smartass!" I said nudging his shoulder. Last week he caught me sneaking out, and I lied and told him I was heading to the drive-in with a date. I was really headed out to Bucks to hang with Dally and grab a drink, but boy I didn't hear the end of it.

All he did the next week that followed was beg me to take him out with me one night. Of course, I didn't really know what to do at first, but then I agreed. Of course I wasn't going to take him to Bucks, so I told him we would catch a movie.

"Oh by the way, Johnny is tagging along tonight." I said still waiting by our bedroom door for him to finish getting ready.

"Come on Race! You know I hate third wheeling." He wined. I felt my face heat up a little as he said that, but I kept my cool and eyed him.

"We aren't even dating you know that."

"Yeah okay but don't try and tell me you don't like him, its obvious."

I ignored his remark and opened the door for him and I to both head out of. He smirked on his way out, holding his head high as if he was sure he was right.

Pony knew me better then anyone, after all thats what a best friend is for, so maybe he was right. Maybe I liked Johnnycakes. Maybe just a little.

We tipped toed towards the front door, when we saw Steve asleep on the couch. Pony looked at me worried and stepped back a little.

"Hes almost always laying there, and he's a deep sleeper. He doesn't mind." I said as I headed out the door, signalling for Pony to follow me.

We walked in silence to the lot to get Johnny. Pony seemed pretty tried and I knew he would be tomorrow as well, but he really wanted to do this. My 14 year old self probably would have wanted to as well so I don't blame him.

"Hey Johnnycakes!" Pony yelled suddenly, half startling Johnny to death. Once he quickly turned around, his eyes relaxed at the slight of just Pony and I. Our eyes made contact for only a second, but i felt as if I could stare into them forever.

Johnny is one of the sweetest boys I know, not to mention definitely the cutest. Sure Sodapop is dreamy, but Johnny is adorable in his own way that I love.

"What movie are we even seeing?" Johnny asked as he stood up. Good question come to think of it.

"Well I thought Pony could pick because its his first time out without a helicopter over his shoulder." I mentioned. I didn't really want to see a movie, or even know what moves were in right now.

"Theres a bunch of new beach ones out, we could just pick when we get there." He suggested. Johnny and I looked at each other and shrugged out shoulders, I could tell he could care less what we saw as well.

We all made our way out of the lot and towards the drive-in. I was hoping Pony would really enjoy the movie so Johnny and I could talk for a while by ourselves. Even though I would rather be at Bucks downing a few beers, maybe even kissing a cute guy, at least Johnny was here.

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