chapter 34

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"Racey," I heard someone whisper as they shook my body calmly. I forced my eyes awake slowly, and saw Pony looking down at me.

"You need to get up soon," He started again, his voice much louder this time. "Darry let you sleep in a little longer but we've got to go soon."

I sat up slowly as he stepped away, before I realized something was missing next to me.

Where did Johnny go?

"Pony!" I yelled slightly, my voice cracking. He turned around to look at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Where Johnny go? Didn't he bring me here last night?"

"Yeah," He said, stepping closer to me once again. "But he left to get ready once Darry tried to wake both of you up, he said he wanted you to sleep a bit longer."

I nodded my head as I began to sit up and rub my eyes. Soda was in the kitchen eating some chocolate cake when I stood up and walked in the grab a glass of water and some breakfast.

"How was the rest of your night?" I asked, turning my head to him as I poured a glass of orange juice beside my water.

He shrugged his shoulders before he shoved another load of cake into his mouth.

"Don't go asking questions till you answer mine." He said through his food filled mouth. I rolled my eyes and sat next to him, digging my own fork into his cake.


"Well why did you and Johnny run off so quick yesterday? If it's why I think it is I don't need many details just-" Soda asked quickly, but I cut him off before he could finish.

"Calm down there.". I laughed. "I just got a little overwhelmed and wanted to leave, so we did."

"You overwhelmed at a bar?" He said again, his tone full of sarcasm.

I swallowed hard, flickering my eyes around the room and pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I thought about telling him everything about Liam for a second, but stopped myself incase that
took a wrong turn.

"Hard to believe right?" I said smoothly, trying to think of something else to say. "How about Pony and that girl, anything happen?"

"I doubt anything happened," Soda started as he shoved another piece of cake into his mouth. "But they seemed to be talking all night."

I took down a sip a water and shrugged my shoulders, turning my head towards the clock on the wall.

"Shit," I said quietly, as I stood up and brushed a piece of hair out of my face. "I've got to go I can't be late again. Have fun at work, and tell Steve I said hi!"

I ran to my room, throwing on the first t-shirt and sweatpants I could find. After stopping in the bathroom to brush my teeth, I flew to the front door and laced up my shoes. As soon as I grabbed my bag, I gave a final wave to Soda and headed out the door.

I lifted my eyes from my shoes once I knew I had everything, only to see Johnny standing directly in front of me. I smiled at him as I shook in the chilly weather.

"Race are you sure you don't want to grab a jacket it's pretty cold," Johnny asked as I started walking towards Pony who was already on his way to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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