chapter 3

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I shrugged my shoulders as I made my way to the couch next to him, my face already filling with heat. As I sat down next to him, I felt his arm drop back down over my shoulders, as he looked at me if it was okay for him to do so. I grinned at him, grabbing the blanket next to me and throwing it over us.

"I already put in a random one, so be ready for whatever we have to sit though." I laughed.

He shook his head and giggled back at me, "Two movies in two nights? Wow. Boring."

"Oh shut it Johnnycakes, you know we have nothing better to be doing anyway."

The movie finally started, and I couldn't tell you what it was. Some weird girls in their crazy outfits running around with wild boys. I didn't even care what it was, the fact that Johnny and I were basically cuddling made my heart swell.

We soon heard the door start to open, and I prayed that it wasn't Steve or Soda. I could take anyone else, but the thought of one of them walking in on Johnny and I this close made me all mad. I enjoyed spending time like this with Johnny, even though this was one of the first times we movie cuddled, I didn't want their stupid jokes to get in our way.

Thankfully when the door opened, it was just Pony, who shot me a wink when he saw that the deal was. I rolled my eyes at him as he walked back to out room.

"Thank god it wasn't Steve or Soda! Could you imagine what they would have to say about this." I giggled, pulling myself slightly closer to Johnny. "There jokes get quite annoying sometimes, you know, the ones about you and I."

"Well honestly I don't really mind them." Johnny said, turning his head a little more away from me. I felt my mouth move a little at his weirdly vague answer.

"You really don't mind them calling us a couple or when they always make jokes about us screwing around?" I asked honestly confused.

"Not really I mean come on. You and I? Would be a awesome couple if we liked each other like that. To bad were just friends." He laughed.


I quickly laughed with him to kick the confused look off my face. What he said kept running through my head. We would be a cute couple? What did he mean by that?

"Completely agreed," I said I as I punched his arm. "And to bad you can't have all this." I looked down at myself and back to him laughing some more.

"Oh you know you want this to Race-car." He said pointing to himself.

"You wish!"

When we finally settled down from all the laughing and jokes, we got comfortable again just relaxing between each other. I felt his finger start to twirl around my hair as I leaned more into his shoulder. He smelled warm and the room was all dark.

I knew it couldn't have been later then 6:30, since we weren't even finished the first movie, but I was already so tired. I wanted to keep myself awake, just to enjoy the amazing feeling of being in Johnny's arms and him playing with my hair, but I knew I couldn't for much longer. Soon enough Johnny's head scratches were enough to pass me right back out, after just a few hours of waking up.


I woke up to the odd sent of smoke filling my lungs and heat surrounding my body. I swiped the sweat from my forehead as I tried to take a breath of air, coughing bad in the process. When I finally opened my eyes, they widened. The fire had already swallowed up half my room.

"Mom!" I yelled with the air I had left. "Dad!" I quickly jumped from my bed down to the ground, moving towards the window opposite of my bedroom door. Shit. No way out.

"Racer! Racer where are you!" I heard my mom call back through the flames. She was on the other side, and surly closer to the raging fire then I was.

"In my room the doors blocked! Mom, Dad Help!" I screamed again, now panicking which didn't help my already troubled breathing.

"Leave through the window! Jump Racey!" I heard my dad speak this time, his voice filled with worry.

"What about you and-"

"Go! We'll meet you out there!" He yelled.

I swallowed hard and unhinged the window with my shaky hands. Soon enough, it came off as the fire inched closer towards me, almost trapping me in. Jump or burn Race, I thought to myself.

So I jumped. My window wasn't to high from the ground, but hitting the cold dirt hurt more then I thought it would. I immediately jumped to my legs running backwards to get a better view of the whole house.

I kept backing up farther and farther, until I hit someone behind me. Johnny. He wrapped his arms around my wist pulling me towards him and away from the house even more.

"Johnny, John, Johnny, Johnny there still in there!" I stuttered as I tried to breathe. He held me tighter as I tried to move towards the house again. I had to get them out.

"The fire department is on there way, they'll be here soon." He started as he stoked my hair. "Relax, Relax they'll get them out."

"No!" I yelled. I had to get to them first. What if the fire department didn't make it in time? What if they were to late already?

"Racer you need to stay here!" He said more aggressively as he pulled me back more. I tried to push away but my breathe was unsteady and I was weak.

It had been a minute since I got out and my parents were still in there somewhere. I finally used my last bit of energy to rip out of Johnny's arms and run back towards the house. As I did so, I heard loud crack, then another, then another.

When I looked up, I saw not my house, but my house breaking down in the flames. First the roof, then the whole second floor, crashed.

"No!" I yelled louder then before. "Mommy! Daddy! No!" I felt my body break down and shake even harder then it already was.

"No! No! No!" I repeated as I kept my eyes on the house. My body fell cold to the floor, but the shaking continued, and I knew there was nothing I could do. They were gone.


"Relax relax!" I heard someone say as they shook me. I woke up in a cold sweat, to see Johnny was the one waking me. It was just another nightmare reliving the worst night of my life.

"It was just a nightmare Race, you're okay. Relax." His voice soothed me. He knew I had always had trouble sleeping after it happened, which is why I rarely ever do. He always knows what to say, and how to say it because he was there. He was the one that found me the night it happened.

"It was them again Johnny, my parents, its all, its all my fault." I winced as I dug my head into his shoulder and he hugged me tightly. I felt a tear role down my cheek, and normally I would stop them and suck it up, but Johnny understood so I let them fall.

"Don't blame yourself, you did what you could." He said while holding me. I knew he was probably right, but I couldn't help it. If I would have just saved them, just stayed in that house a few seconds longer I could have done something, anything.

We sat in silence, just the movie quietly rolling in the background. I felt more hot tears well up in my eyes and run down my cheeks as Johnny held me. Just him being there made things ten times easier.

As he held me close and I dug my head deeper into his shoulder, we heard the door start to open again. I lifted my head up slightly, just enough so I could wipe off my tears, but not enough so Johnny let go of me. The last thing I needed right now was for someone to see me like this.

an. yo besties. sorry about the low key sad chapter, didn't mean to hit you with that at the third one, but i wanted to get racer's family story out sooner then later. anyway, thanks for reading and stay swag
also two chapters in one night #wild
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