chapter 32

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"Steve and I are spending the day with Evie and Sandy, but we should be back tonight." Soda said, as he took a sip of the orange juice.

I nodded my head and turned towards Two who sat at the couch watching Mickey on the TV, a beer already in his hand.

"And you?" I asked, throwing a piece of my toast at him, hitting him square in the jaw. He rubbed it slightly before rolling his eyes and turning to me.

"What do you think?" He said back, relaxing his body back into the couch. "I don't ever have anything to do."

"Yeah yeah of course not." Pony added from next to me. The room fell quiet again for a few minutes as more people began to finish up their food.

"What are you doing today Dal?" Johnny asked, spinning his fork around his nearly empty plate.

Dal stood up and headed to the sink, throwing his dish in carelessly. On his way back he messed up Johnny's hair before walking right out the door.

"I'm going to find that chick again," He smirked from across the room. He opened the door and started to walk away before calling out again.

"I got all day. Plus there's a huge party at Bucks tonight. Y'all should stop by."

"Why do they always do that on Sunday?" I grunted, rolling my eyes. Buck always threw a big party each week, but the past few I had to miss because it was a Sunday.

Of course, I try my best to go on my own when I can simply because I enjoy the setting, but I had only gone with the gang once. Boy, was that a fun time.

"Hell yeah!" Steve laughed, staring Pony dead in the face. "Soda and I are going. But it will be past y'alls bedtime."

"Oh shut it," Soda said, nudging Steve's head so he fell backward, catching himself with his hands. Everyone laughed for a second before Soda spoke again. "To bad you guys have school tomorrow though, it would have been fun."

"Screw school, we could just skip. Or go in late even." I wined, crossing my arms tightly. "Its been so long since I've been to one of those."

"What do you think Darry would have to say about that?" Two smirked, messing the top of my hair up with his knuckles.

"He doesn't need to know," I started, turning my head to Pony and Johnny who were still across the room at the kitchen table. "We could just sneak out. He would eventully find out we skipped school but that doesn't matter to much right? We've skipped a few times before so he won't think anything of-"

"Woah. Slow down there." Steve cut over me, walking closer as he spoke. "Whatever whatever about the skipping school, but sneaking out? I bet that impossible with Darry, he probably sleeps with one eye open."

I tried my best to keep a straight face, but I started to crack as I heard Pony and Johnny giggle from the kitchen.

"Whats so funny?" Steve snapped, turning his head sharply to Pony once again.

"I just doubt its that hard to get out of here at night. Darry's always so tired he's always passed out cold when he sleeps." Pony answered back, a smile still lurking on his face as Johnny nodded in a agreement with him.

"And how do you know that? Do you sneak out of here every night?" Soda asked now, seeming a little more invested.

Pony opened his mouth to answer and I already knew he was going to say something about me back.I tried my best to sit up and stop him, but he continued on without looking over at me.

"No but Race does all the time." He smirked back confidently. Everyone's head turned to me as I rolled my eyes, glaring deeply at Pony

Shit. Now what?

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