chapter 9

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I slowly made my way into history, finding my usual seat next to Johnny. When I sat down he said nothing, but neither did I. I tried to keep my eyes away from him and just focus on the lesson but it was hard.

All Johnny and I ever did was fool around during class, missing almost every important thing. He was really the only reason I was still going to school. He made all the stupid classes worth going to, but now it was all different overnight.

As our teacher continued rambling on about some random part of the earth I understood nothing about, I sat quietly and played with my pencil, tapping it up and down. My heart was beating fast, and not in a good way. I felt so anxious just sitting next to Johnny, I thought I was nearly going to throw up. How was I supposed to do this all day. All day long.

"Can you shut your pencil up grease head." The kid next to me whispered sternly, slamming his hand down on mine. Randy Anderson. Big time Soc. I would say he's the worst of them all, but Bob would have to take that title.

I tried to take my hand away from under his but he pushed down harder, squeezing it tightly.

"Leave me alone will you?" I whispered back a little louder, trying my best not to bring any attention to me. I kept jerking my hand away, but he pressed down harder. Just a great way to start my day.

"Let go of her." Johnny said quietly from next to me. Johnny never spoke to the socs, not after what they did to him. Why was he doing this now?

"Johnny its fine just-" I started again still trying to pull my hand away from under Randy's.

"No, I told him to let go of you." He said slightly louder, looking at Randy.

"And what will you do about it? Tell your mommy? Oh wait she doesn't even love-" Randy started as he moved his face towards Johnny over my desk. Thankfully he didn't have much time to say anything else.

"Anderson!" I heard Mrs. Danble call from the front of the room. "Not causing any issues back there are you?"

He immediately let go of my hand and moved away from Johnny, back into his seat, a smirk taking over his face quickly as he looked at me again.

"This grease was talking first! She was looking at my paper, copying my work! Her little friend was too!"Randy pleaded. He seemed overly dramatic, as if someone just killed his friend or something, but he was a soc. Socs always got their way.

"Johnny, Racer," Mrs. Danble started again, this time eyeing Johnny and I. "Detention in my class during lunch. For both of you."

I rolled my eyes and put my head down on my desk as I heard Randy laugh in victory. I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder, so I looked up to see who it was.

"Hey at least we get to be there together." Johnny smiled as he looked down at me. I smiled back at him, my cheeks growing warm. Maybe today was not going to be so bad, and maybe avoiding Johnny wasn't the way to go.


Through the next three periods before lunch, two of which I shared with Johnny we talked quite a bit. Every now and then the conversation would stop, and we would fall silent not really knowing what to say. There was clearly awkward tension between us, I guess we both thought ignoring it would be the best idea, especially when we talked to Ponyboy.

"Just go home yourself nothings going to happen, plenty of people walking around this time of day." Johnny said to him. He couldn't come to detention with us, and he had no one else to stay with.

"Okay but this all seems a bit off," He started, started starring at Johnny and I then the obvious gab of space between us. "What happened with you two?"

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