chapter 2

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I woke up to the smell of something cooking in the kitchen, and of course the loud sound of annoying boys running around the house. Saturday mornings.

I had more blanket around me then usual which helped me realize without opening my eyes Pony was already out of bed. I almost always slept in much later then him, but looking back on how tired he was last night I was surprised.

I slowly sat up and opened my eyes, lifting the blankets from my bed which sent a chill down my spine. I realized I was still wrapped in Johnny's jacket, which made the morning breeze seem less cool.  Last night wasn't the ideal night out for me, but at least Johnny was there.

As I got out of bed and headed for the door, I realized it was probably the best idea to change first. The gang, especially Steve and Soda, loved to tease me about liking Johnny. Of course they didn't know I really liked him, but they always did it as a joke, and I knew that me wearing his jacket would just set them off.

I grabbed a new pair of sweats, and threw them on, along with my long brown hair into a messy bun. I folded Johnny's jacket up neatly, and looking at it one more time, placed it under Pony and I's bed.

Once I was out of my room, I was immediately almost whipped in the face by Steve and Soda running down the haul.

"Give me back my cake shit-head!" Steve yelled at Soda as he chased him.

Before heading into the bathroom across the hall, I made sure to look both ways. Who knew getting around this house over the weekend would be just as hard as crossing a busy street.

I brushed my teeth and went to the bathroom, knowing there was nothing I could do to fix my hair. I was a few years late to that. Maybe if I put a little effort into brushing it, it would look better, but I don't give a damn how it looks.

I carefully opened the door once again, this time heading to the kitchen to see Darry, Pony, and Johnny at the table, and Dally lighting a weed against the wall. I peered into the living room and there was Two-Bit on the couch watching some Mickey.

"Well good morning good looking, looks like you slept well." Dally laughed. I rolled my eyes at him and almost flipped him off, but realized Darry wouldn't have liked that to much.

When I made my way over to the coffee pot, I noticed spaghetti on everyone plates. I knew the people in this house ate weird food but spaghetti for breakfast?

"Well more of good afternoon." Darry said sternly. I turned to the clock to see it read 3:00pm. Shit. Overslept by a lot again. At least this time it was not on a school day. I still poured a cup of now cold coffee and took a seat next to Pony, across from Johnny.

"You sleep in late Racer, but never this late. You feeling okay?" Darry asked, a little nicer this time.  If I was being honestly, I wasn't feeling to great. A headache and an empty stomach took over my body, but I was good enough so I nodded my head as I sipped the strong liquid.

Soon enough Soda came rushing back into the kitchen with his cake in hand. "Nice to see you're up," He started.

"What were you doing all night, fooling around with Johnny?" Steve giggled as he made his way in. Johnny and I both blushed, then looked down to the table.

"Yeah what were you doing all night?" Dally then asked bouncing his weed up and down in his mouth. I knew he was questioning why I wasn't at Bucks, because we normally bump in each other at least four times through out the night.

"Just couldn't sleep." I said rubbing my head. Steve and Dally both opened their mouths but I cut them off. "Just couldn't sleep."

When everyone started to clear out of the kitchen, I grabbed myself a plate of spaghetti. It just was now just Pony, Johnny and I at the table, with Dal still against the wall. I spoke anyway because if anything I would have to tell Dally where I was in the end.

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