chapter 23

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"Race?" Darry started, taking a step away from me. I lifted my hand up awkwardly, moving my hair to the front of my neck to cover it a bit. He shifted his body angrily, clenching his fists real tight.

"When did.. this happen." He said again, stuttering slightly. He seemed so mad, confused, and disappointed, which made me feel awful. Not only had I lied to him about Johnny and I for a while now, but now I have to tell him what happened last night between us?

"Last night," I blurted out quickly, saying it before I got to nervous. He started to speak over me but I pressed on. "I promise Darry, I was going to tell you sooner or later, but I never really got the -"

"I go out for one night and you bring home some random kid and screw with him in my house?" Darry angrily cut over me. I rolled my eyes, throwing my hands in the air slightly.

"I didn't do anything with him, plus he's not a random kid! And why would it even matter? Weren't you just out fucking a soc last night?" As soon as the last sentence slipped out of my mouth, regret followed right after. I felt my body began to collapse within itself.

Sure, I had cursed in front of Darry before, but yelled at him to his face? Maybe not. Instead of him screaming right back at me, surprisingly he let out a small laugh.

"Yeah yeah, but you're 16." He said, his voice dying down slightly to more of a civilized tone. "I don't want stupid stuff to happen to you."

"I didn't do anything with him!" I said, rolling my eyes.

"You know what says other wise." Darry scoffed through his teeth, looking down at my neck dramatically.

"Okay I made out with him, is that really a big deal?"

"You were in my house of course it's a big deal! How did you manage to sneak him in anyway I'm sure Pony was home wasn't he? Or do I need to go tell him to lay his hands off some other girl he suck out to see." He yelled again, holding his hands tight as if he was holding something worth everything.

I shook my head, shifting my eyes down to my feet. Just tell him it's Johnny, It can't be that bad.

"I told you I didn't sneak him in, I know him. You know him." I said so quietly I could have been whispering. Darry jumped back at my soft words, running his hands through his hair real fast.

"You made out with Pony? My brother! I knew letting you two share a room was -" Darry screamed. I rolled my eyes, dropping my jaw before cutting him off.

"No! Gross. No." I started. His face grew angrier and I thought he would lose it at any second. Say it Race. Say it's Johnny. "It's Johnny. I've been seeing Johnny for a while now."

Darry's eyes widened as he took a small step back. He shook his head eagerly and opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He paused for a moment before doing it again, this time having something to say.

"Johnny," He started, moving his hands around slowly, looking like he was trying to grab the words he wanted to say right out of thin air.

"Johnny did that to you?" He finally let out.
I shrugged my shoulders slightly and nodded my head up and down quickly. Darry shook his head again, but this time much harder.

"And you said for a while now. You've been doing, stuff, with Johnny for a while now! And you didn't even think to let me or anyone else's know?" Darry stuttered as he yelled, tripping over a few words. I could tell he was just as uncomfortable as I was, creating even more tension within the room.

"I mean yes, I have been. What do you want me to do about it? I knew if I told anyone they would react just like you are now!" I said back, trying to toughen up my voice. Sounded scared was something I knew Darry would take advantage of.

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