chapter 19

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"So how did it go with the big guy?" Pony laughed as we walked towards the lot. It was a surprising nice day compared to the weather we've been having.

"He's your brother not the big guy." I replied, keeping my eyes low to the ground. Johnny's hand brushed against mine before I wrapped my fingers around his.

"Yeah but what did my brother say?" Pony asked again, rolling his eyes at the sight of Johnny and I's interlocked hands. Johnny squeezed me a little tighter, letting me know not to worry.

"Just asked what I've been doing lately since I haven't been around as much." I said quickly as I kicked the grass around my feet.

"What did you say back?" Johnny finally spoke. I looked up to his face which was hit perfectly by the sun. His eyes melted my mouth into a smile.

"Just that I've been spending it with friends,"

"You mean your boyfriend," Pony corrected. I glared at him and took a step closer, hitting his shoulder lightly with my spare hand.

"We aren't dating!" I snarled back at him. Johnny's grip loosened slightly from my hand. I pulled his fingers tight to mine again and looked towards him. "You know what I mean Johnnycakes."

His mouth rises slowly into a smile, a red haze glowing from his cheeks. I leaned down and pecked him on the lips before remembering Ponyboy was with us. I looked up from Johnny to him, only to see him grabbing his stomach and fake throwing up.

"Fuck off." I giggled, kissing Johnny on the cheek quickly. Pony's body relaxed and he stood up to face me again.

"Whatever, back to what you were saying." He answered, moving his eyes to his own hands which he was picking at.

"Oh well, he sorta squeezed it out of me that Johnny and I are a thing." I said, letting out a deep breathe. I opened my eyes I didn't know we're closed and shifted then towards Johnny. He looked at me with an unfazed expression on his face.

"I don't mind. Tell anyone you want." Johnny said as he smiled.

"So now Darry knows about you two? Can't you just tell everyone now? Someone else with find out sooner or later." Pony wined. I could tell he was dying to talk to someone other then us about knowing we were together.

"Well Dally also knows," Johnny started as he slowly faded off, not finishing what he was gonna say.

"For how long?" Pony slightly yelled as he took a seat by the tree once we arrived at the lot.

"Only about two days. Why do you seem so mad?" I snapped back as I leaned into Johnny's body against the tree.

"I have been dying to talk to someone about this! You know I hate keeping secrets." Pony spoke again, pushing back his hair with both hands.

I looked up to Johnny, a smug expression on my face. He cracked a smile and soon we were laughing together with Pony staring at us like we were something else.

"What is so funny!" He said, trying to keep a straight face. Soon enough the corners of his mouth raised and he was laughing too.

I let go of Johnny's hand and smacked Pony across the head, a little harder then I thought. He paused, then started laughing again.

"You know you love nosing in other peoples secrets idiot." I said through my giggles. Pony rolled his eyes. I looked up
to Johnny again smiling into my eyes. His cheeks grew red as I pressed my head into his chest gigging even harder.

Moments like these are what meant the most to me. Stupid laughs with my stupid friends. Everything I ever wanted was right in front of me. My best friend, the boy I like, and the ultimate feeling of happiness.

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