chapter 12

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"This movie is shit, why the hell are there so many people here?" I giggled into Johnny's ear. He laughed back at me, but then stopped and shot me a look. That look where he has an idea, an idea that he likes. What the hell was this boy thinking?

"Ponyboy," Johnny whispered as he leaned over me to tap Pony and get his attention. When Pony finally turned, he looked pissed.

"The movie sucks man no need to get all mad. Anyway Race and I are going to get Pepsi, we'll be back," Johnny spoke again, his voice trailing off at the end. Pony nodded his head, facing back towards the movie. Johnny took my hand and pulled me out of my seat as we crouched down so no one would get mad at us.

"Snacks Johnny really?" I said as we reached the back of lined up seats. I started to turn right towards the snack house, but Johnny jerked my hand in the other direction. "Johnny it's this-"

"I know which way the food is, we aren't really getting any." He said as he kept tugging on my hand. I gave up trying to pull away and followed him wherever he was taking me.

"You can't leave Pony all alone like that it's dark out!" I said as the sound of the movie faded into the distance.

"Come on Race, no soc is going to be at the drive in tonight, they have better things to do." Johnny said. He never was pushy about leaving someone alone, especially Ponyboy. He either really wanted to take me where he was going, or really thought Pony was going to be okay.

I nodded my head as I deeply swallowed. I was glad to be spending alone time with Johnny wherever we were going, but Pony being alone lingered in the back of my mind. I knew Dally was there, but not right next to him. What if something happened to him? What if a soc got him?

"Racey he's going to be okay." Johnny said pulling me to sit down, interrupting my thoughts. I recognized the place we were right away, the lot. "He's smart you know that."

"I know." I said, staying silent for a few moments before I asked my next question. "What are we doing here anyway?"

"I just wanted to get away from that movie and , maybe, I don't know, just maybe," He answered, stuttering at the end of his sentence. He seemed much more nervous then when we first got here, so I took his hand and waited for him to talk again, but he didn't.

"And what?" I asked again.

"I just like spending time with you."

"We were just spending time together, we are just alone now." I started to put the pieces together in my head, no one gets all this nervous just to talk.

"You know what I mean I-" Before he could finish, I cut him off with my lips. I felt his mouth softly melt into a smile as he moved his hands to the back of my head.

Kissing Johnny was the most blissful feeling in the world. We had only kissed twice, this being our third, but it was perfect every time. Once our lips met, I never wanted to stop kissing him. Ever.

The kiss deepened as it always did, and I slowly made my way on top of him. I kissed him for a while before he took me over, rolling me underneath him. I liked it better this way. Johnny had more control, and his fingers running through my hair sent chills down my body.

Instead of keeping his lips on my mouth, he started to trail them down my neck. He moved around until he hit a soft spot and sucked it slightly, surely leaving a mark. I had gotten a hickey before, but not one felt as good as this. Everything Johnny did was always better then I'd every experienced.

I bit my lip, trying my best not to let a moan of pleasure slip out. I pulled his head off my body, drawling my lips back to his. He kissed me deeper then before, then trailing his hands lower down my body. I had never done anything more then kiss a guy. Maybe I did a little more then kiss but I had never slept with anyone before, and I wasn't really sure I wanted to right now either.

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