chapter 26

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I knew all we really needed was a little extra time together.

I had already made plans for Johnnycakes and I at the drive in tonight, but I knew it wouldn't hurt to bring Pony along. We had already spent the whole day together, another date was barley necessary.

Honestly, all we would have done is make out anyway, so now that Pony was with us, at least I'd get to see a movie. Plus, I realized how much I really missed Pony. Maybe I was spending a little to much time alone with my boyfriend.

"Don't be back too late!" Darry called as I shut the door behind me, leaving the Curtis house with Pony and Johnny.

We started walking in the dark, staying clear of the main streets as long as could, trying our best to stay out of the socs sight. But of course, you can't avoid everything forever.

"Got two boyfriends now huh?" I heard a familiar voice call as Pony, Johnny and I turned down the street to the drive in.

"Can you kiss them both at once? I'll pay to watch!" The boys friend laughed. I felt Johnny's hand slide into mine, gripping our fingers together tightly.

"Fuck off!" Pony yelled as he stepped in front of Johnny and I. My mouth dropped as the words fell out of his. With my spare hand I grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him backwards towards me, moving my hand to his wrist and holding it tightly.

"Relax, you're going to get us stabbed!" I whispered harshly into his ear as I started to take steps backward, moving away from the socs in front of us.

"Don't walk away now," The voice spoke again in front of me. He stepped into the light, his bodys shadow over taking all three of us. Randy.

"We're just getting started," The other spoke. I had one guess of who it was, and when he found his place next to Randy, I was dead on. Bob.

Shit. What the fuck do we do now? Maybe theres three of us, but when you're dealing with two big time socs who are sure holding blades, it doesn't really matter how many people you have to fight back. And you're at your worst when its three skimpy greasers.

"What the fuck do you want?" I yelled back, rolling my eyes. Maybe I was scared shitless, but I didn't show it.

"Race stop-" Johnny mumbled quietly into my ear, but before he could finish, Randy jumped right in front of me, grabbing my shirt and pulling me forward.

Our faces were only a few inches apart, the smell of liquor lingered in this warm breath. He tightened his grip on my shirt, only bring me closer to him.

"You think you can talk to me like that greaser?" He slurred, his eyes falling lazy. When I kept my face straight and didn't answer, he spoke again, louder.

"You think you can talk to me like that greaser!"

I swallowed hard, still trying to keep the fear inside me from showing on my face. Randy let out an evil laugh as a grin took over his face. Every time he got slightly closer to me, the more I wanted to throw up.

"Cut her or something already! Shes not going to do anything!" Bob yelled to Randy. Out of the corner of my eye I could see his face glowing with excitement. Is this really all they did? Sit around and wait for some random grease to show up so they can hurt them?

I squeezed my eyes shut as soon as I heard the clink of a pocket knife opening.

Shit. Shit. Hes really going to do this.

"Put that down!" I heard Pony yell defensively as a cold blade began to graze over my eyebrow. Randy pushed the knife farther down into my eyebrow, causing me to let out a wince.

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