chapter 27

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I blinked my eyes open quickly to the feeling of something brushing over my forehead. The room around me was dark and fuzzy as my vision adjusted slowly. I lifted my shaky hand and swatted at the thing touching my face, only to feel it was another hand.

"Hey Race," Darry whispered calmly, brushing more of my hair to the side of my face. As he said my name, I heard two or more voices around me chatter, only to be shushed by Darry a second later.

"Hi," I mumbled out, almost giggling. Everything felt off, almost like nothing was real. Almost like this was all a dream. A light flickered for a few seconds next to me before turning on fully. Taking me by surprise, I shut my eyes quickly, feeling a stabbing pain above the left as I did so.

"Stop," I started, more serious now. "Turn it off."

Soon after the light died out again, and I slowly reopened my eyes. I lifted my hand again, this time hovering it over my left eyebrow and lowering downs slowly. The skin felt wet and dry all at once. It was somewhat sticky, making me want to pull away immediately.

When I took another deep breathe, I touched the skin again, rubbing it lightly. It was a huge gash, almost the size of my whole eyebrow. It had to have been pretty bad, since there was so much dried blood covering the gash.

"Don't touch it," Darry started, moving his hand from my hair over to my hand and picking it up, placing it back down by my pillow. I tried to push myself up, put another hand pushed my shoulder down slightly.

"Just lay down," Soda said this time, a hint of worry in his voice. As my eyes scanned the room, I noticed beside my bed was Darry, the rest often gang sitting behind him against the wall, except for Johnny and Pony.

"Where Johnny and Pony?" I slurred, almost sounding drunk. "And whats this thing on my face? Why are you all in here? What time even is-"

"One question at a-" Darry said, cutting me off, put Two talked right over him, leaving him unable to finish.

"You don't remember what happened?" He asked eagerly, standing up and bringing himself closer to me. I shook my head, throwing him a confused look. Happened? What happened?

"Shit," Soda started. Darry raised his eyebrows, but didn't open his mouth to yell. "How are we supposed to find out if she doesn't know, Johnny left, and he won't wake up?"

I turned my body to the left slightly, and sure enough there was Pony. His head rested on his pillow, his eyes closed tight, not moving an inch. He was still and stiff, almost looking scared.

Then something popped into my mind, someone yelling my name. Someone yelling my name after I walked home from trying to see a movie. Trying to see a movie with Johnny and Pony, but getting jumped. Jumped by Bob and Randy. Me getting cut with a pocket knife. Pony punching Randy, and Bob hitting him back.

"Has he waken up since we got back?" I asked, breaking the silence that had taken over the room. When no one answered, I asked again, turning my head back towards Darry. "Has he woken up since we got back?"

Two slowly shook his head, placing a hand on Darry's shoulder, whos head was now in his hands.

"Fuck this is my fault." I whispered, bringing my hand to my forehead, but pulling away quickly when a jolt of pain flew through my cut.

"What do you mean you're fault? Did you cut yourself and knock out Pony?" Darry asked, lifting his face up to look at mine again.

"No, it was the socs. But if I wouldn't have-" I started, but Darry's eyes opened even wider as Soda cut over me quickly.

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