chapter 18

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Before I could yell anything back to him, Darry came storming into the hall, a pan of eggs in his hand. He looked at Steve, then to me, to the bathroom, then back to me.

"What the f-" He started angrily but I quickly cut him off.

"Two Bit!" I yelled, stomping my foot on the floor. Sure enough Two came rushing into the hall with everyone to see what the commotion was about.

"Tell Darry what you did, with the water! Why i'm soaked! Please! This asshole got his mind hooked on the thought of me showering with Johnny!" I yelled again, looking at Two and pointing to Steve.

Darry glared at me and I couldn't even tell why. Was he mad because I cursed, or because he thought I showered with Johnny, or because he really knew Johnny and I were together..

"No shes right," Two spoke as Darry started to open his mouth. "I'm not saying she didn't shower with him just saying she was soaking wet before." His mouth grinned slightly as he finished his sentence. Of course. The guy can't stay serious for two seconds.

The whole time we were all talking, quite loudly I may add, Johnny never came out of the bathroom. Smart choice on his part. Even though nothing happened in that bathroom, he would have made it sound like something did.

Darry looked between Two and I deciding who to really believe. Was he really this stupid?

"Come on Darry! I'm not an idiot, if I were gonna do something with anyone it wouldn't be while you all were home." I smirked. I guess he didn't find my joke funny because he just glared deeply at me before replying back.

"I need to talk to you after I finish breakfast."

I heard Two giggle quietly from next to me, and I could see Steve about to lose it farther down the hall. I nodded my head and made my way to my room once again, being sure to knee Two where it hurt on my way there. I changed into my clothes without a shower because the last thing I wanted right now was to go back into that bathroom.

I headed back into the kitchen to join the gang at the table. Everyone was there, but Johnny. Was that kid still in the shower? I shook it off and grabbed a plate of eggs, sitting next to Dallas.

"Good morning doll, how was your night?" Dally smirked, taking some food from my plate with his fork. My eyes widened as he spoke, but luckily everyone was to deep in their own conversations to here ours.

"Piss off." I laughed, shoving his fork off my plate. He pulled it away laughing, pushing another bite of food into his mouth.

"What's everyone doing today?" Pony asked loudly from across the table. Everyone simmered down and shrugged there shoulders.

"Clearly nothing," I giggled.  Soda ruffled my hair before standing up and making his way to the sink to throw his dish in.

"Steve and I are going out with Evie and Sandy. Feel free to tag along with Johnny if you really want." He laughed. Steve and Two soon joined him and the room was no longer silent but filled with giggles.

I rolled my eyes, then shifting them to Johnny who's face was bright red. I sunk my head into my hands, shaking it as I did so.

"I'm kidding kid," Soda said as his laugh relaxed.

I lifted my head and giggled, sticking my tongue out at him.

"I still don't understand how you two have girlfriends, I mean look at you." I said back, looking from Soda to Steve, then back to Soda.

"That's right look at me." Soda smirked back as he winked at me. My face grew slightly warm as his hand messed up my hair again.

"Just cause you're pretty doesn't make you fun to be around. And Steve is just, Steve." I giggled, standing up to put my own plate into the sink.

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