v. what did i do to deserve this

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Xia is an adventurous person

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Xia is an adventurous person. it was no secret that she's an explorer of this never ending huge world. she had a lot of things she wants to do and luckily she had a lot of choices of adventure, it was only her decision in whatever she desires to do.

it was a good thing, it's probably one of her best qualities out of the many. not letting a fun experience just pass by without even trying it out. it was good for her at many times.

depsite it being her good quality, it's also obviously her worst.

it's just common sense really, it could easily lead her to a very dissapointing and easy death with how she chooses to live her life sometimes.

she's very lucky though, and smart enough to avoid stupid almost death situations as unfortunate as that may be, Xia lets her hunger for experience often drive her mad sometimes.

she is a positive thinker, the one who looks at the good everytime. she just sometimes looks at the good too much and disregards the obvious negatives, looking at life with rose colored glasses being privileged enough to have the power to do so.

so basically, bluntly said she's can be an easy target sometimes.

its obvious that she had come to a point before where she found herself in danger just because of how she acts.

yeah, that kind of happens too often before but as stupid as she might be in the start and for getting herself to that point she's also very smart in getting herself out of it.

the only problem in this situation is, this is just the start. she's still stupid now.

Xia walked back in forth in the middle of her room while whispering profanities in the way and biting anxiously on her nails.

She is now currently contemplating whether to really go and do as planned with it or just dip and ghost the certain daoming boy and then just leave the country, easy peasy.

No- she can't really do that. she was here for her grandfather and that immature thing she wants to run from is not worth to leave her grandfather for. leaving is stupid for now.. that's a choice she can rely to later if things do not go as planned.

ghosting him right now is the only choice to do so.

that's very rude though, she knows but.. it isn't like she hasn't ghosted too many boys before- it wouldn't make so much of a change if she does it again.

you know what's more rude? the fact that he could actually easily set her up for murder secretly but that doesn't even scare her for a slight minute.

it's purely stupid really on why she wants to do this, stupid but not really a complete suprise for anyone who might truly know Xia.

it was for the thrill, the mystery of whatever is about to happen in this situation and all the drama. the great adreneline of the unknown. it was either that this could lead her to the best times of her life or just... death-..

though it does sound kind of boring now that she realizes it.

a college messy drama love triangle. the usual trope that happens in drama movies where the stupid protagonist ends up dating the wrong boy anyways and the fan's favorite is the quiet cute boy who is emotionally closed off.

it's not the kind of story Xia wants to be involved in considering she bluntly just finds it such a boring story and a predictable one at that.

but who are we kidding? we love those kinds of films. the predictabe plot just gives a kind of comfort in some kind of way, you just know it'll be alright in the end because of it not giving too much worry and less stress. it just had the right enough drama to keep you on the hook.

but that all doesn't matter anyways, Xia was gonna be there. there was no such thing as boring drama when Xia Astor is present.

she knew she'd spread hellfire just for the fun of it, oh what Xia had in store for the Daoming Boy.


"a heir to a multi millionaire company.." Xia read through the pages of the paper squinting her eyes at the words while doing so just to read more properly. "huh interesting." she says to herself while smirking tapping her index finger softly to her the table making a soft satisfying sound out of it.

she had just asked her grandfather's butler earlier about the certain boy she just recently met, to run a private investigation through him.

a right way to get information from people you don't want to know you're curious about them. she honestly wasn't expecting as much as she is currently reading about him. it was rather, shocking of how much power he actually has or how much power his family has.

she thought he was just one of those rich kids that depended in their daddies, they're all over shanghai.

of-course Xia would know, she is shamelessly one of them.

it was obvious he has money though if you look at the little details and if you know what to look for, true luxury dripped off of him. i mean for god's sake, he invited Xia to a coffee place where they serve dark and iced coffees for a thousand dollars a cup.

imagine how much more you could spend from that thousand dollars and in this cafe they just serve it for one coffee. to be fair though, it was a pretty good coffee.

anyways, also the motorbike he almost ran her with was known for being the most expensive in the country having to be flown into where you want it considering it isn't made anywhere currently and it's personally designed.

Xia was sure he was the first person to own that in the country or any other country in asia. so much effort just for that? he sure does take advantage of it.

does that not say enough? because she has more to point out just to prove a point.

the overly expensive clothes from branded strores that only the elite of the elites have access of, a watch with a cost of a whole car just randomly sitting in his left wrist unbothered, and the fact that he studied in mingde- just one of the most if not the most expensive school in asia or basically the whole world.

he screamed rich. rich clothing, rich lifestyle, and an unnecessary expensive school. it was honestly ridiculous. he was almost as ridiculously wealthy as she is.

he was popular too, a popular bachelor being very popular with the ladies.

at this point Xia didn't really care anymore, just as long as he wasn't a murderer who is secretly planning for her demise.

she just didn't expect that he would actually be a company heir a company that could compete with her family's corporation, something very difficult to do. they had so much more in common than she had expected.

they were actually so much alike.

"now daoming si, what can you offer to me" she whispered to herself with a smirk lingering in her smile.

"now daoming si, what can you offer to me" she whispered to herself with a smirk lingering in her smile

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