ii. what was i without you

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"Fuck," Daoming Si hissed harshly before gulping down the liquor in his hand. The dark circles under his eyes eliminated every other eye catching feature of his face. it would all be ignored as he looked too exhausted alone that, that would be the only thing they could give attention to.

no other words needed to be said.

with a bottle of bourbon on his hand which seemed to be the fifth one he's had today despite the time barely just even turning 7 pm. He ignored the burning sensation in his throat and only drank more, this seems to be the hobby he took of the moment she went away.

away from him. Just like that, it was like his usual functioning routine for everyday shifted like nothing. all that, for nothing.

Daoming si didn't know what he was letting himself excessively lead into, but he just needed to see her, that was the only thing he needed and the only thing he could ever currently want. He was a dreamer, he was the type who could think of anything while time passes by but now every corner of his mind was plagued with the picture of her.

Not that thinking of Xia Astor was such a pain, i mean, she was a named goddess for a reason.

thinking of her is like getting a a taste or a sight of what heaving is, she herself is heaven itself. Daoming Si would know, he knows it best that the presence of hers is a blessing alone. She just has this aura, this presence that nobody has, just Xia being Xia is different and Daoming Si knows it best that he would never in his life ever meet a girl as good as her.

He was dying to see her, to feel her, to smell her godly and expensive scent, to get to stare at her unaware sitting figure again, he misses her ranting to him, he misses getting lost in his eyes, he misses having to catch his breath over just seeing the sight of her, he misses her rolling her eyes at him, he misses teasing her, god he even misses her being angry at him. he misses her just being there.

he could slowly feel himself lose his mental stability the more he thought of how she still wasn't found anywhere in every inch of this country.

Daoming Si isn't dumb, he has the connection that nobody in this country could overpower. Think of a company, any company, and he probably knows the CEO that would help him get what he wants and yet he still struggled to find traces to start finding where she is.

he was itching to see her again and to tell her that he loves her, more than she could ever think he could, he just loves her.

he knew she was fine because if she wasn't atleast a single word would've been spreaded out by now but not a single whisper was heared. it was annoying how she was easily beating him at this game.

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