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"You did what?!"

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"You did what?!"

Jordan stood across from Mariposa, bathroom pass in hand with a sheepish smile on his face. "I told JJ that you moved on two weeks ago because he was being a party pooper and not performing well in games." Jordan explained, and when Mariposa took a step towards him, he took three back. "Now he's sleeping around again and even sadder than before, so can you fix him? He's killing my mojo." Jordan stomped his foot like an upset three-year-old, and then glanced at his watch to see how long he's been out of class.

"Okay, one, he ended the relationship and walked away after I said I wouldn't take him back if he went through with it. That's on him. Two, why did you tell me this in the middle of class and not during lunch or this morning?" Mariposa asked.

Jordan puffed out his cheeks and slowly let out air, looking up to the ceiling in thought to carefully plan what he was going to say. "Well, in class means we can only talk for 5 minutes so you don't have enough time to hurt me. You see how we talked for 2 minutes? That means you have 3 to be mad, not 28 or like an hou—"

"Okay, I get it. Shut up." Mariposa cut him off, exclaiming as quietly as she could. "I don't know what you want me to do, Jojo. I'm not taking him back, and I have nothing left to say to him."

Kind of tired and bored with the conversation, Mariposa turned to walk away, and with her back turned, Jordan called out, "He's trying to rebuild your relationship with other girls. He only goes out with brunettes with curly hair and he takes every single one of them to Clydes diner."  He stated.  By now, Mariposa had stopped walking, but her back was still facing Jordan.  His only indication of how she was reacting to his words what is her body language, since he couldn't see her face.  "Look, I get why you don't want to get with him. I still wanna pound his face and when I see him on the field, but he's technically still my friend.  And this isn't healthy."

"Jordan, are you saying this as his friend or are you saying this because you think it's gonna affect your chances of winning the state championship?" When Jordan stayed silent, Mariposa shook her head. "I love you, Mr. Frito Man, and how you pretend to take care of your friends, but I'm not gonna stop him from living his single life."

Mariposa started to walk once again, but again, she was stopped mid-step a few feet later by what information Jordan said next.  "He thinks you moved on with Asher.  And before you turn around to murder me, none of us said that.  I told him you moved on and then a week later he finds out Asher slept over at your house, but he ignored the part that Layla kicked him out and he had nowhere to stay, so now he thinks you guys are dating and it's really messing up the team."

The teenage Latina pivoted around to face Jordan and upon looking at him and realizing she only had a minute to get back to class before her teacher got suspicious, she let out a frustrated sigh.  "First of all, I'd move on with Liv before moving on with another football player.  Second, you're lucky I care about your dad keeping his job and winning a championship to do so.  I'll talk to him after school, but you're staying with me in case he doesn't let me end the conversation."

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