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Thor is in Muspelheim, chained in a cage

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Thor is in Muspelheim, chained in a cage. Thor says he knows they're thinking 'Oh no Thor's in a cage how did this happen?'.

"Why are you in a cage?" Steve asked.

Thor says that sometimes you need to get captured to get a straight answer out of somebody.

"Very ture." Natasha said.

Thor says he's a bit of a hero and he spent some time on Earth, fought some robots and saved the planet a couple of times then he went searching through the cosmos for some magical Infinity Stone things but didn't find any.

"That's because most of them have already been found and are safe." Strange said.

Thor says that's when he came across the path of death and destruction which led him to the cage.

"I'm sorry, what? Death and destruction?" Clint asked.

He says that's where he met the skeleton he's talking to. The skeleton's jaw falls off.

"Thor, I say this in the nicest way possible. Are you well?" Tony asked.

Thor asks how much longer they'll be there. The bottom of the cage breaks and Thor's chain unravels stopping before he hits the ground. Surtur is sitting on a throne across from him.

"Surtur? I thought he was dead." Thor said.

Surtur greets Thor by calling him the son of Odin. Thor calls Surtur a son of a bitch and notes that he's still alive and says he thought Odin killed him a half a million years ago.

"Evidentially not." Loki said.

Surtur says he can't die until he fulfils his destiny and lay waste to Asgard.

"So this fire demon thing... he causes Ragnarok?" Tony asks.

"To put it simply... yes, but it's more complicated than that." Valkyrie said.

Thor says it's funny that he mentioned that because he's been having terrible dreams of Asgard going up in flames and falling to ruins and Surtur is at the center of all of them.

"I'm sorry... for showing you that." Wanda apologized.

Surtur says Thor's seen Ragnarok, the fall of Asgard and the great prophecy. Thor's chain spins and Thor tells Surtur hang on and he'll be back around shortly and says he feels like they were connecting there.

Everyone started laughing.

"I never knew you could be funny." Clint said.

Thor turns back around and tells Surtur to walk him through Ragnarok.

Surtur says his time has come and when his crown is reunited with the eternal flame he'll be restored to his full might and he'll tower over the mountains and plunge his sword deep into Asgard.

"That all sounds awful." Bruce said.

Thor's chain turns again and he tells Surtur to give it a second and says he swears he isn't moving and the chain is doing it on it's own.

Everyone laughed again.

"Chains will do that to you." Quill said.

Thor says Surtur is going to put his crown on the eternal flame and then he'll suddenly grow as big as a house. Surtur corrects him and says mountain.

Thor asks if it's the eternal flame that Odin keeps locked away on Asgard. Surtur says Odin isn't on Asgard.

Everyone glanced at Loki.

"How did Surtur know that Odin wasn't on Asgard?" Hope asked.

Surtur says Thor's absence has left the throne defenceless. Thor asks where Surtur's crown is. Surtur points to the crown on his head and says it's the source of his power.

Thor says he thought that was a big eyebrow.

"Thor." Loki sighed.

"It does look like a big eyebrow, if eyebrows were metal and were a power source for fire demons." Valkyrie said.

Thor says that it sounds like all he needs to do to stop ragnarok is rip Surtur's crown off his head.

"Sounds simple enough." Thor said.

"It's never that simple, you know that." Natasha said.

Surtur stands up and says Ragnarok has already begun and Thor can't stop it. Surtur walks up to Thor and says he is Asgard's doom and Thor is too and all will suffer and burn.

"Sounds dramatic." Rocket said.

Thor says that sounds intense and says that seeing Surtur grow really big and set fire to a planet would be quite the spectacle.

"Oh, it was." Valkyrie said, quiet enough that Thor couldn't hear her even though he was sitting a foot away.

Thor says he'll have to choose option B where he busts out of the chains, knock the tiara off Surtur's head and stashes it away in Asgard's vault.

"Which also happens to be where you said the eternal flame was." Sam said.

Surtur says Thor can't stop Ragnarok and asks why he's fighting it.

Thor says that's what heroes do.


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