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Loki stands up, he and Thor see Odin on the cliffside

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Loki stands up, he and Thor see Odin on the cliffside.

"Family reunion." Tony said.

Thor walks up to Odin. Odin tells Thor to look at this place and says it's beautiful.

"It is." Wanda agreed.

Loki walks up to them. Odin greets his sons and says he's been waiting for them. Thor says they've come to take him home. Odin says that Frigga is calling him and asks if they hear it.

"What?" Thor asked, now worried.

Thor tells Loki to lift his magic. Loki shakes his head as if to says it's not him doing this. Odin tells Loki that it took a while for him to break free of his spell and says Frigga would've been proud.

Odin tells them to sit with him because he doesn't have much time. The 3 of them all sit on a rock.

"Is... is father dying?" Thor asked.

Thor says he knows he and Loki failed Odin but they can make it right. Odin says he failed them and says Ragnarok is upon them.

"But you just stopped Surtur..." Ned said.

Thor says he's stopped Ragnarok and put an end to Surtur. Odin says it's already begun and says she's coming and his life was all that held her back but his time has come.

Tears sprang to Thor's eyes, his suspicions were confirmed. Odin was dying.Odin says he can't keep her away any longer.

Thor asks who Odin is talking about. Odin says he's talking about his firstborn who is their sister Hela: The Goddess of Death.

"What!?" Everyone shouted, surprised at the revelation.

"We have... we have another sibling?" Thor asked. "Father had another child?"

"One that he never told us about? Yes." Loki answered.

Odin says Hela's vionet apaities grew beyond his control and he couldn't stop her so he imprisoned her and locked her away.

"Seems to be a running theme with him." Valkyrie commented.

Odin says Hela draws her strength from Asgard and when she gets there her powers will be limitless.

Thor says they can stop Hela together. Odin says they won't and tells them that he's on a different path and they must face Hela alone.

"So... he's making you clean up his mess?" Tony asked.

Odin tells Thor and Loki that he loves them and tells them to remember this place as home. Odin fades away in gold dust.

Thor started quietly crying, first mother was killed and now father was dead? Why was the universe so cruel?Loki kept a straight face but there were still tears in his eyes.

Thor and Loki walk to the cliffside. The sky gets darker and lightning appears at Thor's fingertips, he blames Loki for Odin's death.

"Thor..."A green portal forms. Loki uses magic to change into his armor, Thor slams Mjolnir down and changes into his armor.

Hela steps out of the portal, it closes behind her. Hela says Odin is gone and it's a shame because she would've liked to have seen it.

"Of course she would have." Nebula said.

Thor says she must be Hela and introduces himself as Thor, son of Odin. Hela says Thor doesn't look like Odin. Loki suggests that they come to an arrangement. Hela says Loki sounds like Odin.

"Presumably because I've been him for about 4 years." Loki said.

Hela tells them to kneel.

"Thor... no offence, but are you 100% sure that you aren't the adopted one?" Sam asked.

Loki says he begs her pardon. Hela draws a sword and tells them to kneel before their queen. Thor says he doesn't think so and throws Mjolnir at her, she stops it.

"What- how?" Scott asked.

Thor says that's not possible. Hela says Thor has no idea what's possible then breaks Mjolnir and it lets off a strong lightning blast.

Thor gasped.

"I didn't think that was possible." Hope said.
"Isn't Mjolnir made of the strongest metal in the universe or something?"

Hela's headdress forms on her head, she draws 2 swords and walks toward Thor and Loki. Loki calls for Skurge to bring them back.

"Bad idea, you remember what Odin said about her having unlimited power on Asgard." Bucky said.

The Bifrost opens, Thor and Loki are sucked in, Hela follows. Loki throws a dagger at Hela who catches it and throws it back at him and knocks him out of the Bifrost.

"Loki." Thor gasped, worried.

Thor starts fighting Hela who chokes him and throws him out of the Bifrost.

"No!" Loki shouts.

Hela walks into the Observatory. Volstagg closes the Bifrost. Hela pauses for a moment before killing both Fandral and Volstagg and introducing herself.

Thor's eyes widened in horror and sorrow.

Skurge kneels and tells her he's just a janitor.

Hela tells him that he looks like a smart boy with good survival instincts and asks of he'd like a job.


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