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Thor walks closer to the stage where a play of Loki's 'death' is being performed

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Thor walks closer to the stage where a play of Loki's 'death' is being performed.

Actor Thor calls actor Loki a fool and tells actress Sif to get help.

"But... Sif wasn't on Svartalfheim... when you 'died'." Thor said, confused.

Loki apologizes for everything. Actor Thor tells him it's alright.

"Is... is that Matt Damon?" Tony asked.

Actor Loki apologizes for trying to rule Earth. Actor Thor says they'd be lucky to have him.

"No, I think we're good." Fury said.

Actor Loki apologizes for the whole thing with the tesseract and says he couldn't help himself then apologizes for turning Thor into a frog.

Actor Thor says it was a wonderful joke. 'Odin' agrees and says it was hilarious.

"Wait, did that actually happen?" Tony asked.

"Yes, and it was hilarious." Loki said.

"No it wasn't." Thor said.

"Yes it was." Loki countered.

Actor Loki tells actor Thor to tell his story and build a statue for him. Actor Thor says they'll build a big statue for him. Actor Loki tells actor Thor to add his helmet with the big bendy horns.

"Cow." Thor joked, lightheartedly.

"Feathers." Loki responded.

Actor Thor says he'll tell Odin what he did there today. Actor Loki says he didn't do it for him, 'Odin' mouths the words with the actor. Actor Loki dies, a choir starts singing, Actor Thor screams.

"Little over the top, don't you think?" Scott asked.

Actor Odin says Loki died and gave his life for theirs and fought back the disgusting elves and brought peace to the realm.

"Except you didn't die." Thor said.

A smaller Blue actor Loki crawls onto a rock. Actor Odin says it was many moons ago when he found him on a frostbitten battlefield and he didn't see Asgard's savior in him then.

"Asgard's savior?" Thor asked.

Actor Odin says Loki was a little blue baby icicle that melted his heart.

"Blue baby icicle." Tony said, giggling.

The audience claps, 'Odin' claps with them.

"We should clap, right?" Quill asked, then everyone joined the people onscreen in clapping as the play ended.

Thor greets 'Odin' who chokes on his wine.

Thor greets 'Odin' who chokes on his wine. 'Odin' announces that Thor has returned and greets him back. Thor says that was in interesting play and asks what it was called.

'Odin' says it was called 'The Tragedy of Loki of Asgard' and says the people wanted to commemorate him.

"Or... you wanted to commemorate yourself." Thor said.

Thor says they should and says he likes the statue and says it looks better than Loki did when he was alive and says it's less weaselly and greasy. 'Odin' makes a face.

"Hey." Loki said, offended.

Thor holds up Surtur's crown and asks if 'Odin' knows what it is. 'Odin' recognizes it as the Skull of Surtur and says it's a formidable weapon.

"That has the power to destroy the entire planet." Thor added.

Thor hands the crown to an Einherjar and tells him to lock it away in the weapons vault so it doesn't turn into a giant monster and destroy the whole planet.

"Yeah that would be um... not ideal." Bucky said.

'Odin' asks Thor if he's going back to Midgard. Thor says he isn't and starts tossing Mjolnir around. He says he's been having a reoccuring dream where he sees Asgard falling into ruins. 'Odin' says it's a silly dream and it's signs of an overactive imagination.

"Maybe... maybe not." Bruce said.

Thor says he decided to go out and investigate and says he found the Nine realms completely in chaos, Asgard's enemies plotting their demise while 'Odin' sits in his bathrobe and eats grapes.

'Odin' says he was trying to respect their neighbors freedoms. Thor says it's the freedom to be massacred. 'Odin' says he's been busy himself with board meetings and security council meetings.

"Are those even a thing on Asgard?" Shuri asked.

"Board meetings, no. Security council meetings, yes but that's not what they're called on Asgard." Thor answered.

Thor asks if 'Odin' is really going to make him do it.

"Make you do what?" Peggy asked.

Thor throws Mjolnir and grabs 'Odin's' neck and says that nothing will stop Mjolnir as it returns to his hand, including 'Odin's' face.
'Odin' says Thor's gone mad and he'll be executed.

Thor says he'll see 'Odin' on the other side and calls him brother.


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