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Hulk points to the quinjet which is in a junkyard

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Hulk points to the quinjet which is in a junkyard.

Thor says he's getting them out of there and says Sakaar is awful and Hulk will love Asgard because it's gold and shiny.

Hulk says he'll stay on Sakaar.

"Why?" Bruce asked.

Thor says his people need him to get back to Asgard to prevent Ragnarok.

Hulk is confused. Thor says it's the prophesied death of his home world. Hulk yawns.

"Seriously" Thor asked.

Thor says if Hulk will help him get back to Asgard, he'll help Hulk get back to Earth. Hulk says Earth hates Hulk.

"It's My fault, I'm so sorry, Doctor. Banner." Wanda said.

Thor says Earth loves Hulk and says he's one of the Avengers and he's their friend and says friends support each other.

Hulk says Thor's Bruce's friend. Thor says he isn't Bruce's friend and says he prefers Hulk and says he doesn't like Bruce then mocks him.

"Dude." Bruce said, offended.

"Sorry." Thor said, awkwardly.

Hulk tells Thor to go and says he'll stay. Thor says this is a stupid place and the room is hideous because of the white and says to just pick a color because it's ridiculous.

"Looks like a candy cane threw up all over the room." Peter said.

Hulk says he smashed Thor. Thor says Hulk didn't smash anything and says he won the fight. Hulk says he smashed Thor and says Thor has baby arms.

"Well compared to Hulk anyone has baby arms." Tony said.

Hulk calls Thor a baby and throws his fruit at him. Thor calls Hulk a moron and a child. Thor walks into the doorway and gets electrocuted by the barrier.

"Damn."Hulk laughs and tells him to do it again and says he's home.

"No, I'm not." Thor protested.

The next day, Thor watches as Hulk gets ready for training. Thor tells him to have fun.Valkyrie greets Hulk.

Hulk greets her back and calls her Angry girl.
Valkyrie asks what he's been up to.

Hulk says he's been winning.

Thor rolled his eyes.


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