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Thor closes his eyes and tells Heimdall that he knows he can see him and he needs his help

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Thor closes his eyes and tells Heimdall that he knows he can see him and he needs his help. Heimdall guides people around.

Thor opens his eyes which are now orange and finds himself where Heimdall is.

"Huh?" Sam says confused.

Heimdall says he sees Thor but he's far away.

Thor asks what's going on. Heimdall tells Thor to see it for himself and says he's been providing refuge in a stronghold built by their ancestors and says if the garrison falls their only escape is the Bifrost.

"Evacuation?" Thor asked.

Thor asks if Heimdall is talking about evacuating Asgard.They duck out of view of dead soldiers.

Heimdall says they won't last long if they stay and says Hela draws her power from Asgard and grows stronger everyday.

Heimdall leads the Asgardians through the stronghold and says if he lets Hela leave she'll consume the nine realms and the cosmos.

"She wants to rule the cosmos?" Steve asked.

Heimdall tells Thor that they need him. Thor says he's working on it but he doesn't know where he is.

"Trash planet." Tony said.

Heimdall says Thor is on a planet surrounded with doorways and tells him to go through one.

Thor asks which one. Heimdall says the big one then kills a dead soldier.

Thor gets back to his body.

"Well, you have part of a plan now." Quill said.

Later, Thor tries to pry the obedience disk off, he can't. Hulk notices Thor is sad and pushes him over. Thor says he isn't sad he's pissed off and says he lost his father and his hammer.

"My friends." Thor added, sadly.

Thor kicks something at Hulk and says he isn't listening. Hulk says Thor si whining like a baby and tells him not to kick stuff and throws something at him.

"So Thor can't kick stuff, but Hulk can throw stuff? Seems unfair." Ned said.

Thor says Hulk is being a bad friend. Hulk says Thors a bad friend. Thor asks if Hulk knows what they call him and says they call him the stupid avenger.

"No we don't." Tony said.

Hulk says Thors the tiny Avenger and throws an axe at him. Thor asks Hulk if he's crazy. Hulk says he is and grabs a mace.

"Well damn at least he's honest." Clint said.

Thor says Earth does hate Hulk.

"Thor, don't say that." Natasha said.

Hulk drops the mace and sits on his bed. Thor apologizes for saying those things and says Hulk isn't the stupid Avenger and no one calls him that and says Hulk can't go around throwing shields at people.

"Yeah... that's Steve's job." Clint said.

Thor says Hulk could've killed him. Thor apologizes and says he gets so angry all the time and says Hulk is always angry. Thor says he and Hulk are the same and says they're hot-headed fools.

Hulk says he's like fire and Thor's like water. Thor says they're both like fire.

"You're seriously comparing anger issues with the Hulk of all people?" Sam asked.

Hulk says he's raging fire and Thor's smouldering fire. Thor says he needs Hulk to do something for him.


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