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Thor jumps down to the bridge, lightning still surrounds him

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Thor jumps down to the bridge, lightning still surrounds him. He lands and electrocutes a group of soldiers, then grabs 2 swords and starts slicing through them.

"Badass." Clint said.

"Definitely." Sam agreed.

Fireworks are set off from the Commodore, Valkyrie walks toward some soldiers and kills 2 with her sword.

Hulk stretches Fenris' jaw then pushes him down. Loki dodges a blow from a soldier, trips it then stabs it in the heart.

"Everyone's a badass." Quill said.

Thor continues slicing soldiers and using lightning to kill them, he throws one and strikes some with lightning. Skurge watches and drops his axe.

"Finally coming around to the right side." Coulson said.

Korg shoots some soldiers, Heimdall kills some with his sword and Valkyrie does the same. Fenris has Hulk in his mouth and punctures his leg, making him bleed.

"Hulk bleeds green?" Bruce asked.

"Interesting." Tony thought out loud.

"That's only the second time Hulk's ever actually bled." Natasha noted.

Hulk punches Fenris off the edge of the planet.

"Well... that solves that problem." Rocket said.

Skurge, in disguise, walks with the Asgardians to get on the Statesman.

"Are they even going to accept him after everything? I mean... he was working for Hela." Gamora said.

Loki walks up to Thor who tells him that he's late. Loki says Thor's missing an eye. Valkyrie walks past them and says this isn't over.

"Far from it." Thor said.

They see Hela standing across from them. Thor says they should disband the Revengers.

Loki tells Thor to hit Hela with a lightning blast. Thor says he just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning and it did nothing.

"How the hell are you going to beat her?" Peter asked.

Valkyrie says the just need to hold her off until everyone's on board.

Thor says it won't end there and says the longer Hela stays on Asgard the more powerful she grows and says she'll hunt them down so they need to stop her now.

"That won't be easy." Bruce said.


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