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Thor is reciting an Asgardian prayer for the dead, Loki appears and says the last line with him

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Thor is reciting an Asgardian prayer for the dead, Loki appears and says the last line with him. Loki says being told you're one thing and finding out it's all fiction and being lied to hurts.

"It does." Thor sighed. "It hurts a lot."

Thor throws a pebble at him and it goes through.

Loki asks if Thor really thought he'd come see him and says the cell is disgusting.

"After everything, it can't hurt to check." Thor said.

Thor throes another rock. Loki asks if that means Thor doesn't want his help and says he couldn't jeopardize his position with the grandmaster because it took time to win his trust.

Loki says Grandmaster is a lunatic but he can be amenable.

"When it comes to certain people." Valkyrie added.

Loki suggests that Thor join him at the Grandmasters side and perhaps in time an accident befalls the Grandmaster then- He finishes the sentence with a gesture, suggesting that they rule Sakaar together.

"Really?" Thor asked, incredulous.

"That's where your mind goes?" Scott asked.

"Well... he'd probably be a better ruler than the Grandmaster." Gamora said.

"That guy's a lunatic."Thor throws another rock.

Loki asks if Thor's thinking of going back to Asgard.

"Of course I am, our people are in danger." Thor said.

Loki says their sister destroyed Mjolnir like a piece of glass and says Hela is stronger than both of them and Thor doesn't stand a chance.

"Thank you so much, Loki, for the vote of confidence." Thor said.

Loki asks Thor is he understands then says he'll just have to go it alone like he always has, then asks Thor to say something.

"Are you sure you want me to?" Thor asked, he had a number of grievances about Loki that he's needed to get off his chest since they've started watching this film.

Thor asks what Loki would like him to say then says Loki faked his death, stole the throne, stripped Odin of his power and left him on Earth to die which released the Goddess of Death then asks if he's said enough of if Loki would like him to go back further than the last 2 days.

"Odin died of natural causes Thor, he was old and weak anyone could see that." Gamora said.

Loki says he hasn't seen the Grandmaster's champion but he's heard that he's astonishingly savage and says he's placed a large wager against Thor and asks Thor not to let him down.

"Smart, wait until he insults you to bring that up so you feel less guilty about it." Coulson said.

Thor throws a glass bottle, Loki's projection fades. Korg runs up and kicks the wall, telling Loki to piss off and calls him a ghost.

Everyone laughed at Korg.

The prisoners get ready for the battle. Korg says there's hair and blood on the weapons and asks everyone to clean the weapons after they finish their fights.

"Gross." Bruce said.

Korg asks Thor if he wants to use a big wooden fork. Thor says no. Korg agrees and says it's not useful unless he's fighting 3 vampires who are huddled together.

"Wait... vampires? Vampires are real?" Tony asked.

"Yeah..." All of the aliens, including Quill and Carol, said.

Thor says he wishes he had his hammer. Korg asks about the hammer. Thor says it was made from a special metal from the heart of a dying star and when he spun it really fast it gave him the ability to fly.

Korg asks if Thor rode a hammer.

"N-no." Thor said. "I didn't ride it."

Thor says he didn't ride the hammer. Korg asks if the hammer rode on Thor's back.

"Mjolnir didn't ride me either." Thor said.

Thor says he'd spin it really fast and it would pull him off. Korg is shocked to hear that.

Everyone started laughing.

Thor only sighed.

Thor says it pulled him off the ground and into the air then he would fly then says every time he threw it, it would come back to him.

"Like a boomerang." Peter said.

Korg says it sounds like Thor has a special and intimate relationship with his hammer and losing it is almost comparable to losing a loved one.

Thor says that's a nice way to put it.

"That's... that is a good way to put it." Thor agreed. "The only way that makes sense to me."

Thor sees Valkyrie talking with some people and tells Korg that she's the one who put him there.

Thor recognizes her as scrapper 142 and tells Thor to watch out for the Asgardians because they're hard to perish.


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